'Chiefs of Kamahu at Mongnyu'

B&W photographic print. 'Kamahu were the victims of the head-hunting raid by Yungya, and no doubt had come to tell Hutton their side of the story. The man on the left has his cane hat decorated with bear or goat's hair and boar's tusks, and also wears a boar's tusk necklet denoting status gained...

Full description

Date(s) of creation: 12 April 1923
Level: Item
Format: Archive           
URL: http://digital.soas.ac.uk/LOAA004137
URL Description: Digital version available online at SOAS Digital Collections

Summary: B&W photographic print. 'Kamahu were the victims of the head-hunting raid by Yungya, and no doubt had come to tell Hutton their side of the story. The man on the left has his cane hat decorated with bear or goat's hair and boar's tusks, and also wears a boar's tusk necklet denoting status gained in warfare.'
Extent: 1 photograph
Note: Naga (South Asian people)
Konyak (Indic people)
Phom (Indic people)
Kings, queens, rulers, etc.
Naga Hills (India)
Ethnicity: Konyak Naga
Ethnicity: Phom Naga
Access status: Open
Language: English
Scripts: Latin
Physical description: 8 x 5.5cm
Copies: Digital version available online at SOAS Digital Collections
Format: Archive