נישט גאַנצע זאַמלונג פֿון לידער אָן טיטל אױף פֿאַרשידענע טעמעס אַרײַנגערעכנט ירושלים, ארץ־ישראל און יִידישקײט

Incompete, untitled collection of poems on various themes including Jerusalem, Land of Israel and Jewish faith Yerusholaim ir hakoydesh [The Holy City Of Jerusalem], 30 lines, 5 stanzas; Der sheyres-hapleyte hoyra-tants in Yerusholaim [Hora Dance of Jewish Survivors in Jerusalem], 28 lines, 7 stanza...

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Order number: PP MS 44, Stencl, Box 2
Date(s) of creation: n.d.
Level: Item
Format: Archive