Diary, 1922 - Visits Hong Kong, China, Korea, Japan, Canada, the United States

Attends Genoa Conference. Operation in the autumn, subsequent convalescence and return to work; family visits, outings, social engagements and children's activities. Written by Addis and Lady Addis. JANUARY Many meetings in Hong Kong, Canton and Shanghai with British and Chinese officials including...

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Order number: PP MS 14, Box 4
Date(s) of creation: 1922
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: PP MS 14, Box 4
Summary: Attends Genoa Conference. Operation in the autumn, subsequent convalescence and return to work; family visits, outings, social engagements and children's activities. Written by Addis and Lady Addis. JANUARY Many meetings in Hong Kong, Canton and Shanghai with British and Chinese officials including Sir Reginald Stubbs, Governor of Hong Kong, British and Chinese Chambers of Commerce, British consuls, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) staff and directors and former personal staff; discussions on Chinese loans and railways and Chinese politics, 'He [the Governor General] thinks we are backing the wrong horse in supporting the North', 9; awarded honorary degree at Hong Kong University. FEBRUARY To Hankow and Peking for meetings with Chambers of Commerce, railway directors, the President of the Bank of China, the Chinese Minister of Finance and French and American Ministers and for discussions on the Consortium, also to Korea and Japan. MARCH To Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago and New York for speeches and meetings. In California, visits old friend and colleague Murray Stewart; in New York, 'I think the weak kneed Americans who are getting cold feet may be induced to hang on to the Consortium.' 28. APRIL Return to England, many discussions with Norman and Stabb, 'Bank Rate lowered on my advice to 4%. It ought to have been done before', 13; to Genoa conference as British financial expert, and to Bank of England, Chinese Central Railways and British and Chinese Corporation (B&C Corp.). meetings. MAY Elected a director of the Eastern Telegraph Company. JUNE Death of Murray Stewart in California. JULY Anxiety over daughter Robina, troubled by ill health for the remainder of the year. AUGUST Addis to nursing home for removal of tumour. SEPTEMBER Returns home after operation. OCTOBER To Braemar, Scotland for convalescence and family visits; returns to work to find alterations proposed at the Bank of England and 'my expectation (not hope) of becoming Governor in a couple of years or so is not likely to be fulfilled.' 28. NOVEMBER Reassured over health of daughter Robina; daughter Betty married in Hong Kong; attends discussions on Australian note issue; 'Brought home in taxi the portrait of our ancestor (?) John Addis, Banker in Lombard St in 1661 circa.' 27.
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Format: Archive