al-Qaṣīdah al-Hamzīyah fī madḥ al-nabī

القصيدة الهمزية في مدح النبي

In codex: MS 53827

Format: Manuscript           
Level: Work
Main author: ʻAydarūs ibn ʻUthmān Āl Shaykh ‘Alī
عيدروس بن عثمان آل شيخ علي‏
Language: Swahili
Note: Transliteration into Latin script of part of the interlinear Swahili version of the Hamziyah of Busiri with notes and an introduction
Incipit: Naande kwa jinale bismillahi li-athama, na r-rahmani muwawazi na r-rahima
Online access:

Reference number: MS 53827
Hand notes:
      Hand scope: major
      Hand script: unknown
      Hand medium:
      Hand description: Typescript
      Record history: "Manuscript description based on "Swahili Manuscripts Collections"