

In codex: MS 47648

Format: Manuscript           
Level: Work
Main author: Anonymous
Language: Persian
Note: An anonymous treatise on the hunting and training of birds, with notes on what birds are lawful prey, in twelve fusul, transcribed from an original in the possession of Mir Nasir 'Ali Sahib Khan Bahadur. The work is dedicated to Sultan Badi' al-Zaman Bahadur Khan, prsesumably the eldest son of Sultan Husayn of Herat (d. 920/1514 or 921/1515)
Incipit: بهترین طایر با فال مبارک بال که طیران کند در هوای ابتدای ابدی بال حمد
Colophon: خاتمة الكتاب...فی تاریخ العشرین من شهر رجب المرجب فی السنة الهجرية الف و مأتين و خمس عشر

Reference number: MS 47648
      Pagination: Work 1: 1-43 f.
Work 2: 45-96 f.
Hand notes:
      Hand scope: major
      Hand script: nasta_liq
      Hand medium: blackink
      Hand description: Nasta'liq