
Waqāʼiʻ al-fuḍalāʼ

وقائع الفضلاء

In codex: MS 47509

Format: Manuscript           
Level: Work
Alternative titles: Waqāʼiʻ al-fuḍalāʼ
Main author: Meḥmed Şeyḫī Efendi, 1668-1731
Language: Turkish
Note: On the events of 1703-1714
Incipit: الحوادث الواقعه فی شهر صفر الخیر لسنه خمس عشرة و ماية و الف

Reference number: MS 47509
      Pagination: Work 1: 1-15 f.
Work 2: 16-17 f.
Work 3: 19-291 f.
Work 4: 292-325 f.
Hand notes:
      Hand scope: major
      Hand script: ruq_ah
      Hand medium: blackink
      Hand description: Ruq'ah script