Mughnī al-labīb ʻan kutub al-aʻārīb

مغني اللبيب عن كتب الأعاريب

In codex: MS 45032

Format: Manuscript           
Level: Work
Main author: Ibn Hishām, ʻAbd Allāh ibn Yūsuf, 1309-1360
Language: Arabic text
Note: An Arabic summary by an unknown hand of the fist chapter of the Mughni al-labib.
Incipit: ان على وجهين اسم وحرف ضمير المتكلم

Reference number: MS 45032
      Pagination: Work 1: 1-95 f.
Work 2: 99-110 f.
Work 3: 112-141 f.
Hand notes:
      Hand scope: major
      Hand script: unknown
      Hand medium: blackink
      Hand description: