
Gulzār-i ḥāl

گلزار حال

In codex: MS 44591

Format: Manuscript           
Level: Work
Alternative titles: Gulzār-i ḥāl
گلزار حال
گلزار حال
Main author: Kṛṣṇamisŕa
Language: Persian
Note: An allegorical drama in Sandskrit translated into Persian with the assistance of Bhavāni Dās from Nanda Dāsa's Hindi translation. Incomplete at the end.
Incipit: حمد ذاتي را كه اصل ذات هاست

Reference number: MS 44591
Hand notes:
      Hand scope: major
      Hand script: nasta_liq
      Hand medium: blackink
      Hand description: Nasta'liq. Text rubricated.