Tafsīr-i Fatḥ al-ʻAzīz

تفسير فتح العزیز

In codex: MS 44573

Format: Manuscript           
Level: Work
Main author: Dihlawī, ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz ibn Aḥmad, 1746 or 7-1823 or 4
دهلوی، عبد العزيز بن أحمد
Language: Persian and Arabic
Note: A commentary on the Quran in Persian. ff. 1-35 is the commentary on the Fatihah, apparently incomplete. ff. 36-38 is blank, after which the hand changes. ff. 39-175 is the commentary on Surah 2, verses 34-105, stopping in mid sentence. The text of the Qurʼān is given in small fragments, usually only two or three words at a time
Incipit: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم بنام خدائ بخشاينده مهربان

Reference number: MS 44573
Hand notes:
      Hand scope: major
      Hand script: nasta_liq
      Hand medium: blackink
      Hand description: Nastaʻlīq