Nayrang-i ʻishq

نيرنگی عشق

In codex: MS 41377

Format: Manuscript           
Level: Work
Main author: Ghanīmat, Muḥammad Akram, fl. 1685-1696
غنيمت، محمد اكرم
Language: Pushto
Note: A Pushto translation of Ghanimat's romance of Shahid and Aziz
Incipit: پس لحمده لدروده واي دا دا پدر د ښکلي مخ ولاږ کدا
Colophon: تمت تمام شد كتاب نیرنک عشق تصنیف عبد عبد الحمیدي...تحریر بتاریخ چهارم ماه ربیع لثاني بروز دو شنبه بوقت پشین اتمام یافت سنه 1261
Online access:

Reference number: MS 41377
      Pagination: Work 1: 1b-62a f.
Work 2: 62b-122b f.
      Leaf height: 21.5 cm
      Leaf width: 15 cm
Hand notes:
      Hand scope: major
      Hand script: naskh
      Hand medium: blackink
      Hand description: Naskhi hand
      Acquisition: Gregorian.
      Record history: "Manuscript description based on James Fuller Blumhardt and D.N MacKenzie : Catalogue of Pashto manuscripts in the British Isles, 1965".