Utenzi wa Kutawafu kwa Nabii Muhamadi

In codex: MS 380550

Format: Manuscript           
Level: Work
Main author: Buhriy, Hemedi bin Abdallah
Language: Swahili
Note: A Swahili poem on the death of the Prophet Muhammad
Incipit: ندين لاله اول بسم الله پک اسوشبیه سبحان و تعالی / Nanda ina la Illahi, awali bismillahi, pweke asioshabihi, subhana wata’ala
Colophon: قد فرغ هذا النظم...شهر جمادی الثانی سنه 1385 هجرة...بخط...فقیه خطیب بن شیخ عمر فقیه عثمان نوفلي المنسب عبد الشمس
Online access: http://digital.soas.ac.uk/LSMD000347/00001

Reference number: MS 380550
Hand notes:
      Hand scope: major
      Hand script: unknown
      Hand medium: blackink
      Hand description: In a clear Swahili Arabic hand with vowels marked
      Record history: "Swahili Manuscripts Collections".