The apology of al-Kindi

In codex: MS 25190

Format: Manuscript           
Level: Work
Main author: Kindī, d. ca. 873
Language: English
Note: A "Romanized Arabic edition of this work" is said to have been prepared by Anton Tien and the Turkish Mission Aid Society, 1885, pp. 272. It was alleged to have been used by Sir William Muir to write The Apology of Al Kindy: Written at the Court of Mâmûm (Circa A.H. 215; A.D. 830) This English translation is attributed to Anton Tien in the SOAS accesion register and is translated directly, whereas Muir's introduction states "With the view, therefore, of facilitating the use and translation of the Apology, or of selections from it, I have compiled a very full analysis of its contents, with a copious translation of the more interesting portions." A note further states " For the careful editing of the text, the Turkish Mission Aid Society was indebted to the labours and scholarship of Dr. Tien, who from imperfect materials has produced a very fairly intelligible text ; and deserves much credit for the same." This typewritten translation with many hand written corrections and introduction is evidently an English translation of the text and not a Romanised Arabic edition.

Reference number: MS 25190
Hand notes:
      Hand scope: major
      Hand script: unknown
      Hand medium: blackink
      Hand description: