al-Ghunyah li-ṭālibī ṭarīq al-ḥaqq

الغنية لطالبي طريق الحق

In codex: MS 191654

Format: Manuscript           
Level: Work
Main author: ʻAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī, d. 1166
Language: Arabic
Note: Sufi work on religious duties and piety. Incomplete at beginning (begins Kitāb al-zakāh), folios out of order (possible lacunae)
Explicit: وقيل اذا طلبت الله بالصدق اعطاك مراة ... تبصر فيها كل شي من عجايب الدنيا والاخرة تم كتاب الغنية والله اعلم
Online access:

Reference number: MS 191654
      Leaf height: 29 cm
      Leaf width: 25 cm
      Written height: 22 cm
      Written width: 14 cm
Hand notes:
      Hand scope: major
      Hand script: naskh
      Hand medium: blackink
      Hand description: Naskhi hand