Swahili verse

In codex: MS 41961

Format: Manuscript           
Level: Work
Main author: Anonymous
Language: Swahili
Note: A collection of 106 traditional short poems/mashairi and songs that are part of Swahili oral tradition
Incipit: نزز تز تمو می لپد کسک تنقش نمبو تن کتن کوک / Nazizi tanzu tamau; moyo lipenda kusuka; tanakishi na mabao; tani kitana kiweka
Colophon: تمت الکتاب هذاالمسمی وشهود بتاریخ یوم الخمیس 26 من شهر القعده سنه 1311 بقلم ...داود بن صاائم بن داود النوفلي
Online access: http://digital.soas.ac.uk/LSMD000389/00001

Reference number: MS 41961
Hand notes:
      Hand scope: major
      Hand script: unknown
      Hand medium: blackink
      Hand description: Clear vocalised calligraphic Swahili hand
      Record history: "Swahili Manuscripts Collections".