On the etymology of the Avestan personal name pourušaspa-

Main author: Khanizadeh, Mehrbod
Format: Journal Article           
Online access: Click here to view record

Summary: This article discusses the formation and meaning of the Avestan personal name of Zarathuštra’s father, pourušaspa-. Taking side with the current scholarly view on the etymology and meaning of the word, i.e., *pourušāspa- → pourušaspa- ‘one who has grey horses’, it is argued here that the shortening of the vowel can be explained by an analogical model in Wištāsp Yašt 1.2, where pourušaspa- m. is described as pouru.aspa- ‘having many horses’. The article also challenges the view that Wištāsp Yašt 1.2 is a recent text.