Annual files of statistics

Annual files of statistics created by the SOAS Registry. They include statistics on students, admissions and courses; statistics by department; returns to the University of London, the University Grants Committee and other bodies; lists of new and returning students; first destination statistics and...

Full description

Date(s) of creation: 1916-1980
Level: Series
Format: Archive           

Summary: Annual files of statistics created by the SOAS Registry. They include statistics on students, admissions and courses; statistics by department; returns to the University of London, the University Grants Committee and other bodies; lists of new and returning students; first destination statistics and returns; and background material for the Registry's sections of the SOAS annual report. The first six files (SOAS/REG/01/01/01-SOAS/REG/01/01/06) contain data on students and courses during the Second World War (including courses for military and diplomatic personnel), as well as earlier material dating back to 1916/17.
Extent: 61 files
Access status: Open
Access conditions: Some files are closed for 80 years.
Copyright: Copyright held by SOAS, University of London
Language: English
Finding aids: Handlist available
Format: Archive