Group photograph of Fereydoun Djam inspecting a parade by the infantry units of Palace Fort Guard Infantry Division

Black and white photographic print. Fereydoun Djam and seven members of the Iranian army standing in a tarmaced area. Captioned: 'Bāzdīd-i sāzmān-i rizhah-i yagānhā-yi pīyādah, 22 Daīmāh, 49, lashkar-i pīyādah-i Gārd-i Pādgān-i Qasr. Bih khidmat-i farmāndah-yi buzurgvāram-i tīmsār...

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Order number: PP MS 95, Box 7
Date(s) of creation: 12 January 1971
Level: Item
Format: Archive           

Order number: PP MS 95, Box 7
Summary: Black and white photographic print. Fereydoun Djam and seven members of the Iranian army standing in a tarmaced area. Captioned: 'Bāzdīd-i sāzmān-i rizhah-i yagānhā-yi pīyādah, 22 Daīmāh, 49, lashkar-i pīyādah-i Gārd-i Pādgān-i Qasr. Bih khidmat-i farmāndah-yi buzurgvāram-i tīmsār artishbud Farīdūn Jam kih artish-i shāhinshāhī-i Īrān madīyūn-i madīrīt - fa'ālīyat-i shakhṣīyat, tavānāī-yi va iṭṭilā'āt-i 'amīq-i niẓāmī īshān ast va yādbūdī az bāzdīd-i sāzmān-i rizhah-i makānhā-yi iḥtīyat ast taqdīm mīnamāyam. Irādatmand va mar'us-i hamīshagī tīmsār farmāndah Jam. Sipahbud Jalāl Pizhmān. 17 Bahman 1357.' / 'بازدید سازمان رژه یگانهای پیاده ۲۲ دیماه ۴۹ لشکر پیاده گارد پادگان قصر. به خدمت فرماندهی بزرگوارم تیمسار ارتشبد فریدون جم که ارتش شاهنشاهی ایران مدیون مدیریت - فعالیت شخصیت، توانایی و اطلاعات عمیق نظامی ایشان است و یادبودی از بازدید سازمان رژه مکانهای احتیاط است تقدیم مینمایم. ارادتمند و مرئوس همیشگی تیمسار فرمانده جم. سپهبد جلال پژمان. ۱۷ بهمن ۱۳۷۵' [transl. 'Inspecting a parade by the infantry units, 22 Dey, 49 [12 January 1971], of Palace Fort Guard's Infantry Division. I present [this] to serve the honourable commend of General Fereydoun Djam, to the leadership of whom the Imperial Iranian Army owes a man of action, profound military competence and expertise, and whose memory of military parade inspection is a source of prudence. Sincerely and forever commander General Djam's subordinate, Lieutenant General Djelal Pezhman. 17th Bahman, 1357 [6 February 1979]' ]
Extent: 1 piece
Access status: Open
Language: Persian
Format: Archive