Summary: |
Notebook A: St Andrews Church (Interviews 1974-75), Excerpts from Life and Work (Church of Scotland Magazine);
Notebook B: UKCA (United Kingdom Citizens Association) Madras, British Companies in Madras, Interviews with members of St Andrews Church, 1974-75, excerpts from printed books on Christian topics;
Notebook C: Miscellany, Reports, Interviews with members of House of Prayer, 1974-75, Excerpts from printed material;
Notebook D: Interviews with Ministers in Madras Diocese pastorates, 1974-75;
Notebook E: Interviews with Ministers in Madras Diocese pastorates (cont'd);
Notebook F: Miscellany, Glossary of Tamil ritual terms, Extracts from printed material, Interviews various, 1974-75;
Notebook G: Interviews various, 1974-75, Excerpts from printed material, Excerpts from theses, etc.
Notebook H: Interviews various, 1974-75, Extracts from printed material, Material on Lutheran Federation;
Notebook I: Excerpts from Theses on Indian Christianity (T.G. Gehani on Scottish Presbyterian missions, J.M. Orr on Scottish missions, R.H.S. Boyd on Dogmatic Theology in the Indian Church);
Notebook J: Interviews various, 1974-75, Notes on wedding, Notes on fete, Excerpts from printed material, Excerpts from Church records, etc.;
Notebook K: Additional Interviews with members of Saidapet church, 1981-82;
Notebook L: Additional Interviews with members of Saidapet church, 1981-82