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'Looking towards Tragbal from the North'
Archive & Special Collections
PP MS 66/02/05/I/26
Reference only
Date(s) of creation:
c 1934-1935
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Papers of Lieutenant-Colonel David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer
Linguistic papers
I. Burushaski
Manuscript. 7 note books – David Lorimer
Manuscript. 4 note books – Emily Lorimer
Typescript. Nagari Burushaski – Emily Lorimer
Manuscript. Phonetic lists. Shahzada Yusuf.
Manuscript. 4 boxes vocabulary slips [see CB 1-4 below]
III Manuscript. Medical terms in Shina
II Khowarwar (Khowar) Medical Terms in Khowar 1923
Manuscript. Texts in Arabic script. Quadrat Ullah Beg.
Manuscript. Texts in Arabic script. 1 Qto note book
Manuscript. 3 12mo note books – David Lorimer (untraced)
Manuscript. 6 note books
Manuscript. 4 note books
Typescript. Minor texts from note books I, II (pp. 246-325)
Typescript. Texts from note books, pp. 293 -1536
Manuscript. Qto Draft translations of texts in note book II (pp 393-483)
Manuscript. 8 vo. Draft translations of all major 1934-35 texts 345pp.
Typescript. Original translations of 6 texts (nos. 2, III-VI, 7) and ‘Bopfau’, 1934
Typescript. Revised translations of first 6 of these texts.
Manuscript. Some notes on the same 6 texts.
Manuscript. Notes 100pp – David Lorimer
Manuscript. 13 exercise books – Emily Lorimer
Manuscript. Qto Comparative material, Hunza and Nagari Burushaski - Emily Lorimer
Manuscript. 4 boxes, Burushaski - English Vocabulary slips
Burushaski I
Burushaski II
Burushaski III 1934 – 35
Burushaski IV
Manuscript. 1 box, Nagari Burushaski. Vocabulary slips 1935 - Emily Lorimer
Manuscript. 1 box, Subject index and proper names
Manuscript. Qto Some 'Levies’ notes written up
Manuscript. Qto Hunza, Mapping data of Aliabad
Manuscript. Qto notes on various subjects: principally ‘Ters’
Manuscript. Qto Hunza Pedigrees and genealogy of Hunza royal family
Typescript. Mir Md. Nazim’s autobiography and genealogical records (English)
Manuscript. Miscellaneous Notes - Hunza and Yasin, 1934-35
Manuscript. 1 Qto note book, Diary, Hunza 1934-35 - David Lorimer
Manuscript. Diary and note books 1934-35 - Emily Lorimer
Maps of Gilgit
Manuscript. New words form Burushaski slips 1934-35, 4 files
Manuscript. Lecture notes on Hunza
Manuscript. Place names, Yasin and Ghizer
Typescript. Hunza and Nagar, marriages in the ruling families
Typescript. Gilgit census 1931, list of villages etc.
Manuscript. Gilgit, anthropological measurements
Manuscript. Gilgit Miscellaneous notes
II. Khowar
Manuscript. List of words and phrases in Arabic script, 1915, Sher Jang.
Manuscript. Transliteration of some translations of the same.
Manuscript. 1 Qto note book, Khowar texts in Arabic script, 1924, Shahsada Yusuf.
Manuscript. 10 Qto note books, Texts and notes, Chitral 1915, Yasin 1922-24.
Manuscript. 1st Chitral text and translation
Manuscript. 1 Qto note book, Khowar notes 1935.
Manuscript. Khowar conditional sentences.
Typescript. Texts, Chitral 1915, typed 1917 [on Microfilm 5781]
Typescript. Texts, 1915 and Yasin 1922-24, typed 1933, 242 pp.
Manuscript. Translations of Yasin Texts, Qto 306 pp.
Typescript. Translations of Chitral texts, typed 1917.
Typescript. Translations of Yasin texts, 280 pp. [on Microfilm 5781]
Manuscript. Some notes on Verse texts 1-20. (untraced)
Manuscript. 5 boxes Vocabulary slips from all 1915 and 1922-24 materials:
Khowar - 1, A – B
Khowar - 2, C – G
Khowar - 3, H – L
Khowar - 4, M – Q
Khowar - 5, T – W
Manuscript.1 box Khowar - Urdu vocabulary slips, 1924, Arabic script; also proverbs and idioms, Shah...
Manuscript. 1 box, Khowar vocabulary slips, Arabic script 1934, Shahzada Yusuf.
Manuscript. Qto pen carbon books, Handlist of Khowar words, 1915 - 24.
Manuscript. Medical Terms in Khowar, 1923 (with Burushaski D)
Manuscript. Phonetic lists by Shahzada Yusuf, 1924.
Manuscript. Qto note books, English-Khowar Vocabulary 1915 and 1923
Typescript. English - Khowar Index of words [on Microfilm 5780]
Manuscript. Genealogy of Khushwaqt and Kator royal families, Shahzada Yusuf. (untraced)
III. Shina
Manuscript. Dialect material , 1923-24 - David Lorimer
Manuscript. 3 note books, Texts in Arabic script, Sarfaraz.
Manuscript. 10 Qto note books, Texts, notes etc. 1661 pp.
Manuscript. 1 Qto note books, Shina dialects, 1935.
Typescript. Shina ‘T’ texts 15-63, 80, 216 pp.
Typescript. Shina ‘M’ texts M1-68, 70 pp.
Typescript. Shina Dialect texts, 67-79, 48 pp.
Transliterated text of Birbal story.
Manuscript. 377 Proverbs, 37 Riddles
Manuscript. Translations of 'T’ Texts 1-66, 80, 631 pp.
Manuscript. Translations of ‘M’ texts, verse and riddles
Manuscript. Translation of proverbs, Nos 1-377.
Manuscript. 2 note books, Words and phrases - Emily Lorimer
Manuscript. Vocabulary etc, Arabic script, some transliterated, Shah Rais.
Manuscript. Comparative lists of works in dialects, Arabic scripts, Sarfaraz, 1935 (untraced)
Manuscript. Phonetic lists, transliterated, Sarfaraz.
Manuscript. 4 Qto pen carbon books, Handlist of Shina words 1920-24.
Manuscript. Medical terms in Shina (with Burushaski D) [see Box 2]
Manuscript. Original English-Shina. Vocabulary book 1920.
Typescript. English-Shina index of words
Manuscript. 4 boxes Vocabulary slips, Gilgiti 3, other dialects 1 box
Shina – 1, A - F
Shina – 2, G - L
Shina – 3, M - Z
Shina – 4, Dialects 1920-24
Manuscript. Dialect verbal paradigms.
Typescript. Skeleton grammar 1921-22
Manuscript. Miscellaneous notes in English; ‘Evil eye’ etc.
Manuscript. Animal stories, medicine, charms, dreams, etc.
Manuscript. Gilgit folklore and customs, English translation, up to item 249.
Typescript. Do. typed
Manuscript. Notes on Graham Bailey’s draft ‘Sounds of Shina’
Correspondence with Grierson and G Bailey.
Typescript. Notes on Shina article in LSI etc.
‘Shina material and vocabulary collected from a clerk in Gilgit’.
Annotated copy of Gilgity Shina article in LSIII.
Printed English-Urdu etc vocabulary with Shina added in Manuscript.
Typescript. Article on Tirahi by Sir G Grierson.
IV. Bakhtiari
Manuscript. Qto note book, Early Bakhitiari texts, 1906 and 1913.
Typescript. Early texts, 1906 and 1913, translations and notes, Nos 106-15, typed 1914.
Typescript. Do. texts 106-8 (=New style 13-15) and translation of 106, retyped 1950.
Manuscript. Miscellaneous notes, Ali Quli Khan, 1913-14 (with E 1)
Manuscript. 7 note books, Texts 1914 , Arabic script, (Verse 1 - 111, Prose 1- 105 and I - XXXVII) M...
Manuscript. Red Baghdadi note book, Verse texts 1-111 transliterated.
Manuscript. Red Baghdadi note book, Prose texts 1- 105 transliterated.
Manuscript. List of Prose texts 1- 115, dated 1917
Manuscript. Revised classified list, Classes I - IV, dated 1949.
Manuscript. Supplementary Prose texts, I - XXXVIII, transliterated, 1949
Manuscript. List of Titles of Supplementary texts in English.
TypescriptVerse texts, Nos 1- 111, notes and 12 riddles.
Typescript. Fragments and Miscellanea.
Typescript. Prose tests, Nos 1-105, notes on 1-27.
Manuscript /Typescript, Draft translations of all Verse texts, with notes.
Manuscript. Draft translations of Prose texts Nos 1- 105, 116.
Manuscript. Draft translations of Suppl. texts (Less XIX) (with Bakhitiari G) [see Box 26]
Typescript. Suppl. text No 1, with Translation.
Typescript. Translation of No XIX.
Typescript. Translations of Prose texts, Nos 1-5
Typescript. Translations of Prose texts No 24
Typescript. Translations of Prose texts, First 12 texts of Revised list (F), Section 1, with notes.
Typescript. Notes on Prose texts, Nos 28-105, typed 1916.
Typescript. Notes on various texts, dated 1918, 1921.
Manuscript. 4 boxes Vocabulary slips, 1918 (excluding Suppl texts)
Bakhitiari - English I A - D
Bakhitiari - English II F - L
Bakhitiari - English III M - R
Bakhitiari - English IV S - Z
Manuscript. 1 box Bakhitiari proper names index slips.
Bakhitiari PN
Manuscript. Notes on phonetics, morphology etc, Bakhitiari-English vocabulary.
Manuscript. Grammatical forms etc, from texts.
Manuscript. 1 Qto note book, notes on Bakhitiari customs etc.
Manuscript. Some notes comparing historical details in Verse and Prose texts.
Notes from the ‘Tarikh-i Bakhtiari’ (printed copy presented to the Royal Asiatic Society)
Notes about maps on the Bakhitiari country.
Typescript. Lecture to Royal Anthropological Institute 1945, on Life in Bakhitiari.
Lecture to RAS 1948 on Bakhitiari Popular Verse.
Report of Pusht-i Kuh, 1908-09
Maps of Bakhitiari country
V. Kermani Persian
Manuscript. Kermani texts, originals, Note books and loose sheets.
Typescript. Prose texts and notes 1913-14 - Emily Lorimer
Typescript. Verse and Charms, etc. Texts, translations and notes - Emily Lorimer
Typescript. Kermani Persian-English Vocabulary, up to k-, x-. 43 pp - Emily Lorimer
Manuscript. Colloquialisms, notes on phonology, Nursery rhymes rendered in English verse - Emily Lor...
Manuscript /Typescript. Weights and measures in Kermani Persian - David Lorimer
Manuscript. Kermani Persian words from the ‘Kharistan’, Agha Ahamd and David Lorimer(‘Kharista...
Typescript. Do. 89 pp.
Manuscript. Verse from Kerman region, A.A
Manuscript. 2 note books Kermani Persian verse; also editions of ‘Baba Tahir’ and some relative ...
Translations of 122 ruba’iyat of Baba Tahir
VI. Gabri
Manuscript. Red Baghdadi note book, Yezdi Gabri texts. Kermani Gabri vocabulary and notes.
Manuscript. K, Gabri texts, Arabic script and some transliteration.
Manuscript. 2 Qto note books, Kermani Gabri texts and draft translations.
Typescript. Gabir texts 1914 and 1916, nos. 1-10, 7A, 52 pp; Notes 4pp.
Manuscript. Draft translations, 3 Yezdi, 7 Kermani Gabri texts and 7 A, 139pp.
Manuscript. Gabri Grammar Notes, 1916-17.
Manuscript. Collection of Gabri grammatical forms.
Manuscript. Notes about Gabrs, Surush Kabuli; Notes from Houtum Schindler.
VII. Miscellaneous
Typescript. Article on Kabuli Persian
Typescript. Pashtu grammar Pt II (beginning only, on Iranian philology)
Manuscript. 1 note book, Armenian, Julfa 1907
Manuscript. 3 note books, Arabic Vocabulary, Ahwaz.
Dumaki and Tirahi
Supplementary Papers
Carter and vocabulary, Wakhi
Visual material
Lists and notes
File labelled ‘Hunza cine film lists’. Also includes captions, original draft of full captions.
Rough notes from the Ukiyo-ye kui-ko, revised 1844.
‘Reuters Govt. Summary’
Bound work book labelled ‘Hunza cine records.’
List of the photo plates, negatives & films relating to Persia, 1904-8
65 sleeves of assorted photographs. Hunza, Aliabad, Kashmir, Raka, (2 files)
File labelled ‘Hunza Samples’ 1935 contains 2 photographs and rough notes.
Loose assorted photographs, including – Hunza, Aliabad, Burzil, Raka, (5 files)
Photograph index book labelled ‘Aliabad’
2 packages of negatives, 1 including photographs
11 small envelopes containing photographs, some labelled -‘Royal Family’, ‘Houses and watercha...
5 small packages of prints labelled B1-5.
3 packages of negatives
1 workbook titled ‘Objects-photo’s & measurements’
8 large mounted boards of photographs
1) 253, 4 mountain views, 2 include habitations
2) 268, 4 countryside views. 2 include routes
3) 257, 4 scenic views, 1 a raft made of floats
4) 258, 4 scenic views
5) 254, Groups of children
6) 269, 5 photo’s of children
7) 255, 4 portraits of little girls
8) 260, 4 portraits of ‘important men’, one is Mir Muhammad Nazim Khan
Cigar box containing packages of photo plates and negatives
1) 'Arabistan' [the Persian Gulf] 1904 no’s 1-12 (damaged by damp)
2) Persian Negatives 1906-09. Flat films no’s 125-142.
3) Persia 1904. Glass plates no 14-31 ‘Luristan’.
4) 5 x 4” plates no’s 31- 42.
Photograph albums
Photograph album: I Marban, Khaibar, Kashmir
Photograph album: II Arabistan [the Persian Gulf]
Glass plate negatives
4 Packages of Glass Plates
1) Persia – 5 x 4 plates 1906-08. no’s 43-54
2) Persia plates no’s 55-68
3) Persia plates no’s 69-68
4) Persia plates no’s 87-104
3 Packages of Glass Plates in wooden box
12 packages of glass plates negatives, first 6 in wooded box
i) Unlabelled
ii) Portraits of Hunza Children
iii) 1913-1914; Persia (?) – Weaving shop. England – Family?
iv) Yasin Valley portraits of men
v) Hunza men front and side portraits
vi) Hunza Mir (?) & wife
vii) ‘Psyche’
viii) ‘Portraits of English Woman’
ix) ‘Mir bado hah’
x) ‘Head/Rossetti’
xi) Unlabelled
xii) Unlabelled
Glass lantern slides
Storage Box (Kashmir, Bandipur to Gilgit, Gilgit to Aliabad in Hunza)
'Map of India'
'Map of Gilgit'
'Language Map of Gilgit'
'Srinagar. Third Bridge'
'Srinagar. Wooden Bridge'
'Srinagar. Houses on Jhelum River Front'
'Srinagar. Washermen on side channel'
'Srianagar. Old Palace and Temple'
'Srinagar. 'The Bund' - South'
'Srinagar. 'The Bund' - North. Takht i Sulaiman in background'
'Srinagar. 'The Bund' - North'
'On canal to Nasim Bagh - Bridge'
'On canal to Nasim Bagh - Houses'
'On canal to Nasim Bagh - Sawing Timber'
'On canal to Nasim Bagh - 3 - storey house'
'On canal to Nasim Bagh - Approaching lake'
'Lake at Nasim Bagh - West'
'Lake at Nasim Bagh - East'
'River and Cut at Srinagar'
'Timber Raft at Srinagar'
'Village and Trees'
'Village and Boats (Dungas?)'
'Kitchen - boat and girl with oar'
'Little Girl in a Boat'
'Wular Lake etc from near Tragbal Pass'
'Looking towards Tragbal from the North'
'Looking North towards Kanzilwain'
'Gurez - Mountain and Rest House'
'Gurez - Timber House (normal style)'
'River below Chorwan, looking South'
'View from tip of Burzil Pass, looking South'
'View from top of Burzil Pass, looking South'
'Post runners' shelter, south of Burzil Pass'
'Top of Burzil Pass'
'Burzil Pass from the North'
'Looking towards Burzil from Sardar Koti'
'Chillam Rest House'
'Aqueduct at Gudai'
'Nanga Parbat (25,620 feet) from Kalapani (?) River on East'
'Nagna Parbat, from Rupal, also on East side'
'Mushkin Forest (near Doyan)'
'Hattu Pir'
'Hattu Pir (E.O.L. [Emily Lorimer] riding)'
'Nanga Parbat from Ramghat (With E.O.L. [Emily Lorimer])'
'Nagna Parbat from Partab Pul'
'Junction of Gilgit River with the Indus (on right)'
'Mouth of the Bagrot Nalah'
'Gilgit from the Hunza Road'
'Chalt Bridge (From Left bank of river)'
'Sikandarabad (Nagir) looking East'
Storage Box (Aliabad, Baltit Fort and Altit)
'Earth Pari West of Nilt'
'Ghulmut, Shrine of Shah Wali'
'Rakaposhi from the road (25,500 feet above sea level)'
'Looking West from Tashot'
'Tashot Pari, looking North'
'Entrance of Tashot gorge from Garmun Das (upstream)'
'Aliabad Khan (Old walled village)'
'Aliabad Rest House'
'Aliabad, Looking East towards Baltit. Fields and Outhouses of Rest House.'
'Aliabad, Rakaposhi from the Rest House'
'Aliabad. Cemetery Hill'
'Aliabad. Houses of Shukuroting and two other families. Near Rest House'
'Rakaposhi from 1 mile East of Aliabad Rest House'
'Panorama looking West from Guyakanch'
'Panorama looking West from Guyakanch'
'Chumar Khan and Rakaposhi'
'Aston Musa and Chumar Khan, looking West'
'Aston Musa Number 2'
'Junction of Hunza and Nagir Rivers below Sumayar, looking East'
'Baltit Fort from the Dala'
'Baltit and Ultar Bar'
'Baltit and Bubulimu Ting from Below Sumayar, looking North'
'Rope Bridge at Sumayar, North Half'
'Rope Bridge at Sumayar, South Half'
'Baltit from Karimabad'
'Baltit from near Graveyard'
'Baltit and mouth of Ultar Bar from below Karagadimuts'
'Altit from Karagadimuts'
'Baltit Fort from Village'
'Mir gives feast on roof of Fort'
'Main staircase of Fort'
'View from roof of Fort, looking South'
'View from roof of Fort, looking West'
'Baltit. Wazir's house'
'Baltit. Main road in, looking downwards'
'Baltit. Main road in, looking upwards'
'Baltit. Old Mosque'
'Baltit. Old Mosque. Carving'
'Baltit. The Himaltar (gateway, public meeting place)'
'Baltit. The Bazar'
'Mir Sir Muhammad Nazim Khan, Tham of Hunza (Died 1937)'
'Painting of Ghazan Khan Tham, father of Mir Nazim Khan'
'Mir Muhammad Nazim Khan in undress'
'Mir Muhammad Nazim Khan in uniform, on horseback'
'Altit from Baltit graveyard'
'Altit from its pologround'
'Altit and village from the East'
'Altit from East'
'Altit. Hunza River below Altit, looking westwards'
Hunza: Altit, Irrigation, Agriculture, Fruit, Wine
'Altit, Shikari (tower) from west'
'Altit. Main stair to Bopfau room'
'Altit. Bopfau room and Shupin'
'Altit. Bopfau room and Shuro cupboard'
'Altit. Carving of Shikari window'
'Altit. Outside village, children, walnut tree'
'Dala and Kharum Bat (Horizontal)'
'Dala and Kharum Bat (Vertical)'
'Ganish from Kharum Bat'
'Kharum Bat ('Split Stone')'
'Dala and stepping stones'
'Jaqar Yaing'
'Double Tsak'
'Tori and Leiman's daughter'
'Aqueduct over Thanum Shung'
'Tul (Beyond Khalifa Mamad's)'
'Ghulk at Nadiro's. Woman washing greens'
'Thamo Pfari'
'Field - making at Dirzi Nazar's (Top)'
'Field - making at Dirzi Nazar's (Horizontal)'
'Field - making at Dirzi Nazar's. Wheelbarrow'
'Field - making by Leiman'
'Field - making by Leiman, plus wheelbarrow'
'Momin Hayat and Plough'
'Khalifa Afiato ploughing'
'Ghalipo watering'
'Manure on field'
'Akhonkuts ploughing and tats - ing'
'Nadiro reaping'
'Afiato treading darts'
'Meherban carrying in crops'
'Merherban beginning making Khursh: buyo'
'Dumatsing at No 7'
'Dumatsing at No 7'
'Threshing: Meherban'
'Threshing: Rahman Big and Nihat'
'Threshing: Rahman Big and Nihat. Chokuti'
'Winnowing: Rahman Big (?) - with haranch'
'Winnowing: Rahman Big (?) - with hari bui'
'Winnowing: Dalut and Shukuroting'
'Sifting with baraqbesh: Daulat'
'Sifting with baraqbesh: Ali Akbar and Ali Aman (“Yaman”)'
'Women's garden'
'Clearing cocoons off fruit trees in Spring (Nuri)'
'Gathering Mulberries'
'Drying apricots in the sun (On Baltit roofs)'
'Drying apricots in the sun (On Daraman Bun. Qara Big)'
'Treading Grapes (Dado at Gulkhan)'
'Pressing balagutoy'
Livestock, Crafts, Festivals
'Aliabad toq - s'
'At the Maduring: goats and boys (Ibrahim, Akhonkuts)'
'Goats coming home from toq - s'
'Bringing in Mushko for fodder (The Makuchim Shung between Nadiro's and Afiato's)'
'Juma and another bringing home mushko'
'A Maltash (Packet of butter)'
'Nadiro's house: foundations'
'Nadiro's house: first roof beam'
'Nadiro's house: laying side beams'
' Nadiro's house: Bibi Anjir and grandchild'
'Dirukutse Kalbi's house: Interior, entrance and Uyum Man'
'Dirukutse Kalbi's house: Owner and imaguti'
'Dirukutse Kalbi's house: smokehole (sagam)'
'Original type of door in Hunza and Ali Aman (“Yaman”)'
'Sangi Khan's house at Dor Khan'
'Sangi Khan's house. Group of women'
'Sangi Khan's house. Bulul and Jabeli'
'Beating wool. Ghalipo's wife and Bibi Anjir etc'
'Women and children and pfurukus at Afiato's'
'“Dap”ing at Mamu Yare Yaing'
'Spinning at Afiato's'
'Dolat weaving pfilam at Nadiro's'
'Dolat weaving sharma at Nadiro's (Vertical)'
'Dolat weaving Sharma at Nadiro's (Horizontal)'
'Pfarajo turning wooden bowl'
'Jabeli etc bringing in withes'
'Chura, and giran. Boy and girl'
'Chura in use'
'Chutkus. Dissolving out salt from earth. Boy and baby'
'Washing clothes, on the Sarkari road. Carrying fuel sticks etc.'
'Embroidery. Nigin and others.'
'Apicho, Kanzia etc.'
'Apicho, Leiman's daughter embroidering'
'Women at Mill (the Jaqar Yaing)'
'Demonstrated by Afiato'
'Demonstrated by Darwish and Faqir'
'Demonstrated by Maliko and Gulab'
'Darwish amusing Faqir'
'Making thuko (whistles)'
'A scrum, No 1'
'A scrum, No 2'
'Mer Begum and Sultani'
'Girls and Toys (At Photandar)'
'Girls and toy cradle'
'Women and doll'
'The Himalter at Aliabad. Dancing. Middle Section'
'The Himalter at Aliabad. Dancing, West. Old Masjid'
'The Himalter at Aliabad. Dancing. East. The Band'
Festivals and Miscellany
'Aliabad, Himaltar. Bridegrooms.'
'Aliabad, Himaltar. Harvesting Thanksgiving Feast'
'Amateur Band, full - strength'
'Amateur Band. Big drum and children, onlookers'
'Huko (Berits) and gabi and drums'
'Baltit Pologround and Fort'
'Baltit Pologround. Thamo dancing.(Ayash Khan and Shah Khan)'
'Baltit Pologround. Woman Bitan (dressed in red) 1924'
'Altit, Apitsoe gathering'
'Altit. Apitsoe dancing'
'Hunza - Nagir Wedding: Bridegroom and Mir, at Karimabad'
'Hunza - Nagir Wedding: Nagir Party dancing'
'Rakaposhi form Shayar in Nagir (Lord Rawlingson sketching, 1923)'
'Karagadimuts at Baltit. E.O.L. [Emily Lorimer] on yak. 1924'
'A public “Baldi” on the Dala near Aliabad'
'Rope bridge on Gilgit river near ?'
'Rope bridge on Gilgit river?'
'Rope bridge on Gilgit river at Sumal'
'Rope bridge on Gilgit river at Sumal'
'Rope bridge on Gilgit river at Sumal'
'Chumarkhan and Dorkhan (Horizontal)'
'Chumarkhan from Dorkhan. Pologround (Vertical)'
'Pfari (water - tank) at Aliabad'
'Pfari (water - tank) at Aliabad Himaltar'
'Old Aliabad (Khan, fortified village)'
'Old Aliabad'
'Old Aliabad (Showing privies=jukang)'
'Reaping millet (cha)'
'Cutting of trees for planting out'
'Poplars stripped for mushko (leaf fodder)'
'Group in Kalbi's new house'
'Inside a mill, hoppers (dor)'
'Blacksmith at work (1)'
'Blacksmiths at work (2)'
'Boys playing'
Cinefilm reels taken in the Hunza Valley
Artefacts, geological and botanical samples
Anthropological Callipers
'Brass ornaments’
‘Spare parts of Qalia’n’
Rock samples
Sample: himan 1935 (2)
Sample: sura tik (2) 1935 (Nitre)
Sample: gєš (2)
Sample: Sura Tik (1) 1935
Sample: gєš (1) (white plaster, a kind of earth found at Murtazabad)
Sample: Grey woolen Choga Collar
Hunza seed samples
Sample: t∩ltoˇtυm Boˇr (Mυrt∩z∩baˇd)
Sample: Baˇrdυ Maˇti (Mυrt∩z∩baˇd) (red plaster or wash made from earth)
Sample: Baˇrčuko Ti›kє Boˇr (Aliabad)
Sample: D∩ntsilє Tik, dissolved in oil of ghee (also biˇs, fat) to extract sulphur)
Sample: Baˇrčuko Ti›k, for Kitchen garden
Sample: šuqu˘rum∩n Tik
Sample: Bυrυm Maˇti (Mυrt∩z∩baˇd) (Burum = white, (?) a kind of chalk)
Sample: Bυru˘min Hari šiq∩min heri
Sample: Pirprit čha (a variety of millet)
Sample: Bυru˘min B∩y (small grained variety of millet)
Sample: Heriεtυm B∩y (small grained variety of millet)
Sample: Gigir (a kind of pulse)
Sample: Gerk ? (a variety of pea)
Sample: Him∩n (black seed used for washing of clothes)
Sample: B∩groˇteˇi čha (a variety of millet)
Sample: label missing
Sample: label missing
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