Summary: |
Including:`Islam - The Christian Response', `Principles of Unity and Separation', `Mark 8:35', `What is a Christian?', `What is the Christian message - for Today?', `Christianity and other religions', `The Missionary Situation Today', `Inspiration (Early Fathers)', `2 Tim 3&4', `The Supreme Teacher', `M.E. Today', `In my Name', `FFM', `Christianity: Sense or Nonsense: A Lawyer's Approach', `Can a 20th Century Man Believe?', `Can I know God', `The Case for Christian Faith', `The role of the Church in contemporary revolutionary Society', `Bible Study (7)', `Standards in secular society', `Christianity: Myth or History?', `Why should we study the Bible?', `Islam', `Violence', `Talk 3', `Concern for Law and Morality?', `Student life and the Pursuit of Freedom', `Worldliness: the need and limits of Christian involvement', `Problems of life and death', `Euthanasia', `Should the Law embody Christian morality?', `Chorley Wood', and `Christianity in a Permissive Society'.