Portrait of a man of Lungsachung

B&W photographic print. 'He wears full ceremonial dress and is standing in front of stones which he has ceremonially "dragged" as one of the series of social gennas or ceremonies which pay an enormously important part in Lotha (Lhota) life. The wealth and status of a man is judged by the number...

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Date(s) of creation: November 1927
Level: Item
Format: Archive           
Main author: Mills; James Philip (1890-1960); colonial administrator and anthropologist
URL: http://digital.soas.ac.uk/LOAA005129
URL Description: Digital version available online at SOAS Digital Collections

Summary: B&W photographic print. 'He wears full ceremonial dress and is standing in front of stones which he has ceremonially "dragged" as one of the series of social gennas or ceremonies which pay an enormously important part in Lotha (Lhota) life. The wealth and status of a man is judged by the number of these ceremonies which he has performed. The feasting and drinking which takes place at them is a way of redistributing among the villagers the wealth which he has accumulated, each ceremony being more elaborate and costly than the previous one. '
Main author: Mills; James Philip (1890-1960); colonial administrator and anthropologist
Extent: 1 photograph
Note: Naga (South Asian people)
Ethnic group: Naga
Ethnic group: Lotha Naga
Access status: Open
Copyright: Copyright held by J.P. Mills
Language: No linguistic content
Scripts: Unwritten
Physical description: 9.5 x 7 cm
Copies: Digital version available online at SOAS Digital Collections
Format: Archive