Y-posts in front of a house

B&W photographic print. 'Y posts carved with buffalo heads are set up after Feasts of Merit. At these feasts the Eastern Rengma sacrifice buffalo, not mithun. The giver of the feast earns the right to certain decorations of his house and leand his wife are entitled to wear special designs on the...

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Date(s) of creation: 21 March 1924
Level: Item
Format: Archive           
Main author: Mills; James Philip (1890-1960); colonial administrator and anthropologist
URL: http://digital.soas.ac.uk/LOAA004863
URL Description: Digital version available online at SOAS Digital Collections

Summary: B&W photographic print. 'Y posts carved with buffalo heads are set up after Feasts of Merit. At these feasts the Eastern Rengma sacrifice buffalo, not mithun. The giver of the feast earns the right to certain decorations of his house and leand his wife are entitled to wear special designs on their cloths after jiving the final feast of the series. He may also set up a very tall bamboo tound with cane leaves and with bamboo hoops hanging from it.'
Main author: Mills; James Philip (1890-1960); colonial administrator and anthropologist
Extent: 1 photograph
Note: Naga (South Asian people)
Ethnic group: Naga
Ethnic group: Easter Rengma Naga
Ethnic group: Rengma Naga
Ethnic group: Pochuri Naga
Access status: Open
Copyright: Copyright held by J.P. Mills
Language: No linguistic content
Scripts: Unwritten
Physical description: 9.5 x 7 cm
Copies: Digital version available online at SOAS Digital Collections
Format: Archive