Portrait of a Kaolum with bear in Mongnya jungle

B&W photographic print. 'Kaolum stands, holding a gun, beside a bear which has been shot. The Lhotas may kill bears which have been damaging the maize crop, the meat being divided among the hunters. The long hair from the neck and shoulders is much prized for the making of the "sweat-wig" which...

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Date(s) of creation: Summer 1919
Level: Item
Format: Archive           
Main author: Mills; James Philip (1890-1960); colonial administrator and anthropologist
URL: http://digital.soas.ac.uk/LOAA004702
URL Description: Digital version available online at SOAS Digital Collections

Summary: B&W photographic print. 'Kaolum stands, holding a gun, beside a bear which has been shot. The Lhotas may kill bears which have been damaging the maize crop, the meat being divided among the hunters. The long hair from the neck and shoulders is much prized for the making of the "sweat-wig" which is worn by the warriors on ceremonial occasions. A crowd of onlookers squats behind him.'
Main author: Mills; James Philip (1890-1960); colonial administrator and anthropologist
Extent: 1 photograph
Note: Bears
Naga (South Asian people)
Ethnic group: Naga
Ethnic group: Lotha Naga
Access status: Open
Copyright: Copyright held by J.P. Mills
Language: No linguistic content
Scripts: Unwritten
Physical description: 9.5 x 7 cm
Copies: Digital version available online at SOAS Digital Collections
Format: Archive