Pot, basket and boar imitation hung on a pole as sacrifice

B&W photographic print. 'This shows an offering as part of the ceremony to drive out the evil spirit which has "captured a man's soul" and caused his illness. A wild boar has been sacrificed and it (or an imitation) has been hung on the post together with a pot and a carrying basket. In cases of...

Full description

Date(s) of creation: [1918-1926]
Level: Item
Format: Archive           
Main author: Mills; James Philip (1890-1960); colonial administrator and anthropologist
URL: http://digital.soas.ac.uk/LOAA004591
URL Description: Digital version available online at SOAS Digital Collections

collection SOAS Archive
id PP_MS_58.02.K.33
recordtype archive
scb_item_location Archive & Special Collections
item_location Archive & Special Collections
scb_loan_type Reference only
callnumber PP MS 58/02/K/33
callnumber_txt PP MS 58/02/K/33
callnumber-sort PP MS 58/02/K/33
prefix_number 33
title Pot, basket and boar imitation hung on a pole as sacrifice
scb_date_creation [1918-1926]
scb_level Item
level_sort 8/Collection/Sub-Collection/Sub-Sub-Collection/Sub-Sub-Sub-Collection/Series/Sub-Series/Sub-Sub-Series/File/Item
scb_extent 1 photograph
author Mills; James Philip (1890-1960); colonial administrator and anthropologist
author_facet Mills; James Philip (1890-1960); colonial administrator and anthropologist
authorStr Mills; James Philip (1890-1960); colonial administrator and anthropologist
author_letter Mills; James Philip (1890-1960); colonial administrator and anthropologist
format Archive
description B&W photographic print. 'This shows an offering as part of the ceremony to drive out the evil spirit which has "captured a man's soul" and caused his illness. A wild boar has been sacrificed and it (or an imitation) has been hung on the post together with a pot and a carrying basket. In cases of more serious illness, the sacrifice, as here, is performed at the actual spot where the "medicine man" thinks the sick man's soul was captured. (Chungtia is a Mongsen village) '
scb_access_status Open
scb_copyright Copyright held by J.P. Mills
language No linguistic content
language_search No linguistic content
scb_scripts_material Unwritten
scb_physc_charac_tech_reqs 9.5 x 7 cm
scb_copies Digital version available online at SOAS Digital Collections
note Sacrifice
Medicine men
Animal sacrifice
Naga (South Asian people)
Ethnic group: Naga
Ethnic group: Ao Naga
scb_url http://digital.soas.ac.uk/LOAA004591
scb_url_description Digital version available online at SOAS Digital Collections
hierarchy_top_id_raw PP MS 58
hierarchy_sequence PP_MS_58.0002.00K.0033