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Copy of a memorandum by Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand on the Muslims in Indore and elsewhere, with reference to the Indian Mutiny
Archive & Special Collections
PP MS 55/01/01/06
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PP MS 55, Durand, Box 1
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Durand family papers
Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand
General Papers
Misc Letters including references to the Indian Mutiny
Copy report on the conditions of the fort at Ghugnee by Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand, Surve...
Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand's letters and diarys includes reference to the East India Comp...
Copies of dispatches (49) by Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand to the Governor-General(?) descri...
Letters by Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand to Lord Canning, Mhow giving an account of the camp...
Copy of a memorandum by Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand on the Muslims in Indore and elsewhere...
Memorandum on operations in Western Malwa during the Indian Mutiny
Printed copy of Sindia and Dhar, containing various reviews
Good service pension, Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand
The Indian Public Opinion, gives an account of the death of Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand, 1...
Bound press cuttings including discussions of Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand and his son's wr...
Tārīkh-i safar-i Makkah: A Pilgrimage to Mecca, by Sikandar Begum, Nawab of Bhopal.
Blackwood's Magazine, MCLIX, May 1912, article `The Indian Mutiny: the last phase', includes referen...
Tarikh-i Sikandari: History of Bhopal, by Sikandar Begum (Ruler of Bhopal under British protection),...
Ms. Summary of a work on the history of the XIIIth Hussars
Sir Henry Mortimer Durand
Diary written in England preparing to go out to India, but delayed by his father's death
Diary, includes long descriptions of the Franco-Prussian War
Diary in India
Diary in India
Diary in India
Diary in India
Diary: in India, includes printed extracts from official telegrams
Diary: in India
Diary, locked shut
Diary in Burma, India, and England. Includes printed letters with reference to Burma
Diary in England and Persia
Diary in Persia, England, and Spain. Gives an account of Sir Henry Mortimer Durand's duties as Ambas...
Account by Lady Durand of their journey from Tehran, Persia to Resht on the Caspian Sea, then by ste...
Diary: in Spain, England, and the USA
Letters (109) from Sir Henry Mortimer Durand to his sister Marion (Madge)
Letters from Colonel Algernon Durand (brother of Sir Henry Mortimer Durand) to Sir Henry Mortimer Du...
Letters from Charles Metcalf MacGregor to Sir Henry Mortimer Durand describing his expedition to Per...
Miscellaneous letters from well wishers and friends to Sir Henry Mortimer, including Radowitz
Correspondence between Sir Henry Mortimer Durand and C M MacGregor,
Letters from Lord Roberts to Sir Henry Mortimer Durand
Letters from members of the family
Letters from Lord Curzon to Sir Henry Mortimer Durand on travelling in Afghanistan
Letters from the Marquess of Lansdowne to Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, discussing boundary problems in...
Letters to Sir Henry Mortimer Durand from Lord Roberts, S C Bayley, and W Ridgeway, congratulating h...
Letters to Sir Henry Mortimer Durand from H Drummond-Wolff(?), the British Ambassador in Spain
Copies of telegrams, correspondence and Foreign Office Papers whilst Sir Henry Mortimer Durand is Am...
Bound copies of letters sent by Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, mainly official letters, whilst in Englan...
Letters from Lansdowne to Sir Henry Mortimer Durand discussing relations with France over Morocco
Correspondence and press cuttings relating to Sir Henry Mortimer Durand's appointment as British Amb...
Bound copies of letters sent by Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, official and personal
Letters from D W Wallace and James Williams to Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, on mediations between Japa...
Correspondence and press cuttings from Lansdowne, Grey and others concerning problems over Newfoundl...
Bound copies of letters sent by Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, official and personal
Correspondence concerning Sir Henry Mortimer Durand's recall from Washington as Ambassador; includes...
Correspondence concerning Sir Henry Mortimer Durand's pension
Correspondence, press cuttings and reviews relating to Sir Henry Mortimer Durand's biography on Sir ...
Bound copies of letters sent by Sir Henry Mortimer Durand
Literary Work
Draft of The Golden Bowl, a novel by Martin Heatherley
Correspondence and reviews of Helen Treveryan: or the Ruling Race, by John Roy (Sir Henry Mortimer D...
Letter to The Churchman, New York concerning Sir Henry Mortimer Durand's experiences of American mis...
Letters of congratulation and other papers concerning articles by Sir Henry Mortimer Durand on South...
Correspondence with The Times, concerning Sir Henry Mortimer Durand writing the Mesopotamia section ...
Blackwood's Magazine, MCCXIX, May 1917, includes article by Sir Henry Mortimer Durand Reminiscences ...
English translations of Russian poems by Lermontoff.
Nadir Shah, a play, typescript
Personal Papers
File of personal papers of the Durand family with reference to Queen Victoria
Correspondence and reviews of An Autumn Tour in Western Persia, Lady Ella Durand, 1902 Correspondenc...
Press cuttings
Press cuttings from American and British newspapers concerning the activities of Sir Henry Mortimer ...
Press cuttings covering the period when Sir Henry Mortimer Durand was Ambassador in the USA
Press cuttings covering the period when Sir Henry Mortimer Durand was Ambassador in the USA and duri...
Press cuttings from British and American newspapers concerning the recall of Sir Henry Mortimer Dura...
Miscellaneous Papers
A letter to Sir Henry Mortimer Durand Esq, C.S.I., by Major Evans Bell, London 1884, Chatto and Wind...
Letter, in Persian or Urdu, to the British Foreign Secretary thanking him for establishing good rela...
File of speeches by Sir Henry Mortimer Durand
Correspondence, papers, press cuttings and manifesto relating to Sir Henry Mortimer Durand standing ...
Letter and papers to Sir Henry Mortimer Durand from the University of Pennsylvania granting him an H...
Photographs and Photograph Albums
Photograph album containing photographs of India including the Lucknow Camp (1882), the Viceroy and ...
Loose family photographs including portraits, mostly not labelled
Photograph album: `A Souvenir of Mysore November 1892'; contains official photographs of official bu...
Photograph album (spine broken) containing photographs of Sir Henry Mortimer Durand and family in th...
Photograph album of portraits of the Durand, Percy and Fleming families, and scenes of Britain, Euro...
Photograph album containing photographs of buildings and scenes in India
Photograph album (spine broken) of Indian photographs including military groups, and the 9th Lancers...
Photographic portrait of Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand, and of ladies in India
Loose family photographs
Similar items
Blackwood's Magazine, MCLIX, May 1912, article `The Indian Mutiny: the last phase', includes references to Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand
Copies of dispatches (49) by Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand to the Governor-General(?) describing troop movements during the Indian Mutiny
Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand
Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand's letters and diarys includes reference to the East India Company and his journey on the "Leopard"
The Indian Public Opinion, gives an account of the death of Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand, 1 Jan 1871