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'The phonetic structure of Somali', by Lilias E. Armstrong 1934; 'Bantu sentence structure', by Malcolm Guthrie 1961; 'The tonology of the Zulu verbs of three syllables', by Jan Knappert 1962; 'Loan words in Kamba: a preliminary survey', by W. H. Whiteley 1963; 'An adaptation of Swahili to modern times, by Wijzigingen in Afrika's taalkaart', by Jan Knappert 1965; 'Book reviews of Language in Africa', by Jan Knappert, and 'Some aspects of the ideophone in Zulu', by Derek Fivaz 1966; Collected field reports on "The phonology of Dagaari", by Jack Kennedy 1966; 'Tone patterns of Etung', by T. Edmondson and J. T. Bendor-Samuel 1966; 'A hierarchical study of neutralization in Kasem', by John C. Callow 1967; 'Tone in Ewe', progress report 1968; 'Fortis articulation: a feature of the present continuous verb in Agbo', by J. T. Bendor-Samuel and K. W. Spreda 1969; 'The phonology of the nominal in Dagbani', by W. A. A. Wilson and J. T. Bendor-Samuel 1969; 'The relative clause in Izi', by Paul E. Meier 1969; 'Yakur syllable patterns', by J. T. Bendor-Samuel 1969; "Syntactic functions of the ideophones in Hausa", seminar notes 1969; 'Is Hausa really a Chadic language? Some problems of comparative phonology', by F. W. Parsons 1970; 'Language change and language relationship in Africa', by William E. Welmers 1970; 'Vowel sandhi and word division in Igede', by Richard Bergman 1971; 'The nominal phrase in Duka', by John Bendor-Samuel, Esther Cressman and Donna Skitch 1971; "Malcolm Guthrie's approach to syntax" 1974; 'Bachama and Chadic', by Jack Carnochan 1975; "On Hausa vowels", by Jack Carnochan 1982; 'On the "compound" tone in Migaama', by D. Abdoullaye and J. Kelly 1985; 'On junction in two Kisiu nasal classes', by J. Kelly 1985; 'Kasem nominals - a study in analyses', by John C. Callow n.d.; 'The Grusi sub-group of the Gur languages', by John T. Bendor-Samuel n.d.; 'The structure of the verbal clause in Bimoba', by Gillian Jacobs n.d.; 'The verb in Dho-Alur', by Jan Knappert n.d 'Compound nouns in Bantu languages', by Jan Knappert n.d. 'Sissala noun groups', by Ron Rowland n.d. 'Some contrasting features of the Izi verbal system', by John T. Bendor-Samuel and Inge Meier n.d.; 'The tones of Sechuana nouns', by Daniel Jones n.d.; "Stative verbs and adjectives - Igbo examples" - manuscript notes by P. Akujuobi Nwachukwu n.d.;"Ablaut in Hausa?" (typescript notes) n.d.; "The vowel system of Lelemi", by Ed Allan n.d.; 'Prosodies and verb stems in Gude', by James Hoskison n.d.; "The interdisciplinary study of the language map of Africa" - seminar notes n.d.; "Ergativity in Igbo and Hausa", by Edward J. Allan n.d.; Notes by Elizabeth Dunstan on Ngwe n.d. and 'Orthographic systems and conventions in sub-Saharan Africa', by A. N. Tucker n.d.