Incomplete untitled collection of assorted poems on the theme of Yiddishkeit

"אלישע בן אב[ו]יה אומר" [Elisha Son of Abuya Says], 18 lines, 6 stanzas; part ב of poem חצות [Midnight Prayer], 20 lines, 5 stanzas (for part א, see PP MS 44/02/26/41); "אם אשכחך ירושלים אשכח ימיני" [If I Forget You, Jerusalem, May My Right Hand Forget Me], 16 lines, 5 stanzas; ירושלים [Jerusalem],...

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Order number: PP MS 44, Stencl, Box 19 D
Date(s) of creation: 1976
Level: File
Format: Archive