Collection of assorted poems on the theme of Passover

Untitled draft of poem beginning 'װי אַזױ איז דאָס־אָ משיג צו זײן' [How to comprehend this], 12 lines, 3 stanzas; אױב איר װילט איז עס אַן אַגדה [If You Want, This is an Aggadah], 18 lines, 6 stanzas; דרײ פּסח־באַל[אַ]דן [Three Passover Ballads], 20 lines, 5 stanzas, incomplete; כוס של אליהו [Elijah'...

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Order number: PP MS 44, Stencl, Box 19 D
Date(s) of creation: n.d.
Level: File
Format: Archive