Collection of assorted poems on the theme of Purim

Assorted drafts of poems: אַן אַדר־ליד ("שנכנס אדר מרבים בשמחה") [An Adar Poem - "When the month of Adar enters, we increase in joy"], 16 lines, 4 stanzas; לײד־אַרטיקל לכבוד פּוריםן [Editorial In Honour of Purim], 9 lines, 2 stanzas; אסתר המלכה [Queen Esther], 12 lines, 3 stanzas, last stanza cross...

Full description

Order number: PP MS 44, Stencl, Box 19 D
Date(s) of creation: 1964-1976
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: PP MS 44, Stencl, Box 19 D
Summary: Assorted drafts of poems: אַן אַדר־ליד ("שנכנס אדר מרבים בשמחה") [An Adar Poem - "When the month of Adar enters, we increase in joy"], 16 lines, 4 stanzas; לײד־אַרטיקל לכבוד פּוריםן [Editorial In Honour of Purim], 9 lines, 2 stanzas; אסתר המלכה [Queen Esther], 12 lines, 3 stanzas, last stanza crossed out; אַ פּורים־באַלאַדע (צום 100 יאָרצײט פֿון תפארת שלמה) [A Purim Ballad (on the 100th jahrzeit of Tiferet Shlomoh)], 24 lines, 6 stanzas; כטוב לב המלך בײן [When the King Was Merry With Wine], 12 lines, 3 stanzas; Part ב of incomplete untitled poem beginning 'הגיע זמן קריאת שמע של שחרית' ['The time has come to recite the morning Shema'], 15 lines, 3 stanzas. Manuscript.
Extent: 6 pp.
Access status: Open
Language: Yiddish
Scripts: Hebrew
Format: Archive