Incomplete collection of poems and fragments of poems on various themes including Yiddish, Moses, Israel and Diaspora

הושענא־רבה בײנאַכט [Hoshana Rabbah At Night], 20 lines, 5 stanzas; לעיני כל ישראל [Before All Israel], 28 lines, 7 stanzas; די פֿאָרגעשריטענע װעלט [The Advanced World], 16 lines, 4 stanzas; אַ 'תורה' מכוח עניװת [ A 'Teaching' Regarding Humility], 18 lines, 6 stanzas; בײ מזכיר־נשמות זײן [At the Memor...

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Order number: PP MS 44, Stencl, Box 19b
Date(s) of creation: 1977
Level: File
Format: Archive