Incomplete untitled collection of poems on various themes including Jerusalem, Tanachic heroes and prominent rabbis

ירושלים [Jerusalem], 16 lines, 4 stanzas, with 5 other hadnwritten stanzas, all crossed out; די כותל [The Wailing Wall], 12 lines, 3 stanzas; צו דער כותל מערבי [To the Western Wall], 21 lines, 7 stanzas; משה־רבינו [Moses], 30 lines, 10 stanzas; שמשון־הגיבור [Samson], 4 parts, 48 lines, 12 stanzas; ד...

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Order number: PP MS 44, Stencl, Box 7
Date(s) of creation: 1978
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: PP MS 44, Stencl, Box 7
Summary: ירושלים [Jerusalem], 16 lines, 4 stanzas, with 5 other hadnwritten stanzas, all crossed out; די כותל [The Wailing Wall], 12 lines, 3 stanzas; צו דער כותל מערבי [To the Western Wall], 21 lines, 7 stanzas; משה־רבינו [Moses], 30 lines, 10 stanzas; שמשון־הגיבור [Samson], 4 parts, 48 lines, 12 stanzas; דוד מלך ישראל חי־וקים [Long Live David King of Israel], 8 lines, 2 stanzas; untitled draft of poem beginning 'הערט מען טאַקע די טריט פֿון משיחן' [Are the steps of the Messiah really heard], 6 lines, 2 stanzas, handwriten; untitled draft of poem beginning 'װי קומט די מעשה קמצא בר קמצא' [How come the story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtsa], 15 lines, 6 stanzas; דער בעל־שמס נסיעה קײן ארץ־ישראל [Baal Shem Tov's Journey to the Land of Israel], 20 lines, 5 stanzas; דער בעל־שם [Baal Shem Tov], 8 lines, 2 stanzas, incomplete. Last page contains fragment of poem, possibly belonging to משה־רבינו [Moses]. Typescript, lightly edited by author in ink. Pp. 10-16. Cf. ANS0000477_00001
Extent: 8 pp.
Access status: Open
Language: Yiddish
Scripts: Hebrew
Format: Archive