נישט גאַנצע זאַמלונג פֿון לידער אָן טיטל אױף פֿאַרשידענע טעמעס אַרײַנגערעכנט ציוניזם, יִידישע און נישט יִידישע היסטאָרישע פּערזענלעכקײטן, יִידיש לעבן אין לאָנדאָן און נאָסטאַלגיע

Incompete untitled collection of poems on various themes including Zionism, Jewish and non-Jewish historical figures, Jewish life in London, and nostalgia Moyshe Montefiore [Moses Montefiore], 21 lines, 5 stanzas; Der krankn-poet Nosn Horovits [The Sick Poet Nathan Horowitz], 60 lines, 15 stanzas; V...

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Order number: PP MS 44, Stencl, Box 2
Date(s) of creation: n.d.
Level: Item
Format: Archive           

Order number: PP MS 44, Stencl, Box 2
Summary: Incompete untitled collection of poems on various themes including Zionism, Jewish and non-Jewish historical figures, Jewish life in London, and nostalgia Moyshe Montefiore [Moses Montefiore], 21 lines, 5 stanzas; Der krankn-poet Nosn Horovits [The Sick Poet Nathan Horowitz], 60 lines, 15 stanzas; Vi der poet shtarbt oyfn eygenem bet [The Poet Dying In His Bed], 3 parts, 48 lines, 12 stanzas; Nokhem Sokolov un Echod-Haam [Nachum Sokolov and Ahad-Ha'am], 60 lines, 15 stanzas; Der shul-prezident [The Synagogue President], 16 lines, 4 stanzas; Di balade funem prezidents esreg-pushkele [The Ballad of the President's Ethrog Tin], 64 lines, 16 stanzas; 'Khaver Dzshozef' ['Comrade Joseph'], 14 lines, 4 stanzas; Shmuel Ziglboym [Samuel Ziglbaum], 12 lines, 3 stanzas; D''r Khaim Vaytzman [Dr Chaim Weizmann], 30 lines, 10 stanzas; Shekspir [Shakespeare], 16 lines, 4 stanzas; Profesor Zelig Brodetsky [Professor Zelig Brodetsky], 20 lines, 5 stanzas; Dos shulekhl in mayn Nyubold gesl [The Tiny Synagogue in my Newbold Street], 76 lines, 19 stanzas; In a gesl do [In a Little Street Here], 3 parts, 60 lines, 15 stanzas; A zumer-feygele oyf Vaytshepl [A Summer Bird in Whitechapel], 16 lines, 4 stanzas; Nor nakhes fun kinder, goteniu [Only Happiness From Children, Dear God], 3 parts, 84 lines, 21 stanzas; An untergevorfener mamzer baym seyder (balade) [A Bastard Foundling At the Seder (a Ballad)], 52 lines, 13 stanzas; Yom-kiper in Vaytshepl [Yom Kippur in Whitechapel], 48 lines, 12 stanzas; Heymishe fish [Jewish Fishwife], 20 lines, 5 stanzas; Prozhektors [Floodlights], 3 parts, 48 lines, 12 stanzas; London, 28 lines, 7 stanzas; Vinston Tshoyrtshil [Winston Churchill], 20 lines, 5 stanzas; Fun 'londoner sonetn' [ From 'London Sonnets'], 4 parts, 56 lines, 16 stanzas; In a sof-zumer tog [On a Late Summer Day], 5 parts, 120 lines, 30 stanzas; Dorf-idilie [Village Idyll], 26 parts, 360 lines, 90 stanzas Gedrukt oyf a shraybmashin; zaytn 202-356 (zayt numern hipern iber fun 229 tsu 330 betoes), der ershter ferz fun 'Moyshe Montefiore' oysgeshtrokhn Typescript, pp. 202-356 (numeration jumps from 229 to 330 by mistake), the first stanza of 'Moses Montefiore' crossed outIncompete untitled collection of poems on various themes including Zionism, Jewish and non-Jewish historical figures, Jewish life in London, and nostalgia
Extent: 57 pp.
Access status: Open
User restrictions: For permission to publish, please contact Archives & Special Collections, SOAS Library in the first instance
Language: Yiddish
Scripts: Hebrew
Format: Archive