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Refugee Situation
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Papers of Gledhill Stanley Blatch
Personal Correspondence
General Correspondence
Correspondence with Charles Ede of The Folio Society (later Folio Fine Art Ltd.)
Correspondence from Giuseppe Tringali in Asmara
Correspondence with the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Correspondence with John Bromley, British Consul in Asmara
Correspondence with Richard Pankhurst
Correspondence with "Peter" of British Consulate in Asmara
Correspondence with J Watson at Bernard Quaritch Ltd.
Letters from Jacqueline Pirenne concerning Ethiopian archaeology
Correspondence with G Huntingford concerning 17th century Latin and Amharic manuscripts
Correspondence with Boris Gwircman in Asmara
Letters from Margaret Plass and David Crownover from the African Arts Department of the University o...
Correspondence with Pantiles Consultants
Correspondence with the British Services Security Organisation
Personal letters from Joseph Jacob in Addis and Asmara with insights into the current political situ...
Letters from Yinga Endaweke from Axum, Tigray
Letters from Alison Hill Maps and Mapseller
Letters from "Bunny" from various locations, concerning Ethiopia
Correspondence requesting credentials of the International Trans Sahara Expedition
Letters from Hadgu Assefa from Axum, Tigray
Letters from Esther Mesghenna in Asmara and her brother Astier
Correspondence from "Fritz" in Cologne
Letters from "Michael" at SOAS
Correspondence with Teresa Rolls from Longmans
Correspondence with and concerning Gunnar Hasselblatt
Letters from "Nick" at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Correspondence concerning the publication "Horn of Africa"
Letters from Mohammed Hassen to Blatch
Letters from Herbie Knott, a news photographer, with commentary on his visit to Sudan/Ethiopia
Correspondence with Charles Meynell of Africa Confidential
Letter from Blatch to The Times concerning an article published by Andrew Lycett on Ethiopian relief
Letters from Peter Niggli
Correspondence regarding an Archaeological Trip to Ethiopia in late 1962
Correspondence with the Royal Geographical Society requesting information
Correspondence with Richard Greenfield at University College, Addis
Correspondence with Ken Logan at Ministry of Defence, requesting maps
Correspondence with Hunting Surveys and other organisations, requesting maps and information
Correspondence with H Moyse-Bartlett, at SOAS
Miscellaneous correspondence
Miscellaneous correspondence requesting books and information
Correspondence with A G Morgan at the British Consulate in Asmara
Correspondence with Geographical Magazine, and National Geographic Magazine, offering article and ph...
Correspondence with JK Reuterdahl at the British Consulate in Asmara, following the first trip and p...
Correspondence with The Illustrated London News offering photographs and reports of the trip
Miscellaneous correspondence concerning a proposed second trip in late 1964/early 1965
Miscellaneous Correspondence
Miscellaneous correspondence
Correspondence relating to Blatch's speaking engagements at various institutions
Correspondence from Peter Massey of BBC TV concerning Blatch's application to take part in the progr...
Ethiopian History
General History
"Die Abessinier in Arabien und Afrika" by Edouard Glaser
"History of Ethiopia" by Jones and Munroe
SOAS and Institute of Commonwealth Studies African history seminar notes
"Excavations at Aksum, 1973-1974: A preliminary report" by Neville Chittick
"A preliminary survey of sources for modern Ethiopian history 1889 to 1935", SOAS African history se...
SOAS conference on Ethiopian origins - Programme and lecture notes
SOAS conference on Ethiopian origins - 'Notes' (Papers)
Preliminary version of notes by Robert Hetzron "The limits of Cushitic", for SOAS conference on Ethi...
SOAS African history seminar "Family and property amongst the Ethiopian nobility in the later eighte...
Oromo History
"Ethiopia's unacknowledged problem: the Oromo",by P.T.W Baxter
"Oromo country of origin: a reconsideration of hypotheses", by Ulrich Braukampfer
"History of the Galla" by Bahrey
Ethiopia: Socio-Political
Oxfam information sheets and press bulletins
Miscellaneous correspondence with Oxfam and related enclosures
"Mali: seltsame Wege der Nahrungsmittelhilfe" (Strange methods of alleviating hunger in Mali) by Ber...
Oxfam study of food, power and poverty: "Cultivating hunger" by Nigel Twose
Collection of press cuttings
Collection of press cuttings
"Sweeping away a few more myths about Africa" by Jonathan Power
"Doubtful methods in the struggle against famine, Ethiopia, deportations and forced-labour camps"
"The Ethiopian famine" by Richard Pankhurst
Photocopy of extract from Der Spiegel
Publications of Oxfam public affairs unit
Refugee Situation
Repatriation of refugees from Djibouti
Article on the resettlement of refugees by Gunnar Hasselblatt
Reports and press cuttings
"Somali refugee question" by Gunnar Hasselblatt
"Bericht von einer Reise durch die Lager der Fluchtlinge in der Blue-Nile province im Sudan" (Report...
"Ethnic identity and social change among Oromo refugees in the Horn of Africa" by Ulrich Braukamper
"Oromoland und Abessinien in Athiopien"
Reports, circular letters and press cuttings
Typescript on Djibouti by Gunnar Hasselblatt
"Tigray 1984 - an investigation"
"Fluchtlingsstrome am Rande Athiopiens - und was die evangelische Kirche damit zu tun hat" (The role...
Press cuttings regarding the airlift of Falasha Jews
"Die Umsiedlungen aus Tigray - Bauer und Tigre sein genugt" (Resettlement of Tigray refugees) by Pet...
"Volkermord - 40 Jahre nach Auschwitz" (Massacre - 40 years after Auschwitz)
Interview with Peter Niggli and Manfred Voegele
"Hungerhilfe - Organisationen unter-stutzen Zwangsumsiedlungen" (Famine relief organisations support...
"Die endgultige Losung aller Probleme" ("The final solution to all problems - Ethiopia: Deportation ...
Presscuttings and newsletter from Relief Society of Tigray
"Refugees in Somalia flee Ethiopian collectivization" by Jason W Clay
Reports and press cuttings on Oromo refugees
"Fluchtlingsbewegung und Freiheitsbewegung der Oromo" (Oromo refugees and liberation movement)
Various draft manuscript notes and flash cards for speech on Ethiopian refugees
Transcript of CBC "Sunday Morning" broadcast about famine relief and refugees
Oromo Relief Association
Oromo Relief Association bulletin
"Help the Oromos"
Confidential reports on Oromo Relief Association
Open letter to UN High Commissioner for Refugees from Oromo Relief Association
"Dying to escape indignity not death"
Minutes of Oromo Relief Association consultation
"The destruction of the Oromo people and their country, Oromia, in the name of the 'resettlement' pr...
Constitution of Oromo Relief Association
Oromo Relief Association UK newsletter (first issue)
Religious Persecution
Open letter from Gunnar Hasselblatt reporting on the Ethiopian religious situation and extract from ...
Berliner Missionswerk periodic circulars on the Ethiopian church situation
"Wo der blanke Terror herrscht" (Where sheer terror reigns)
"Report to be submitted to the Study Committee to examine the misunderstanding created between the W...
Two articles by Gunnar Hasselblatt on the religious situation in Ethiopia
Reports on the religious situation in Ethiopia
Reports and presscuttings on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia
Presscuttings and reports on religious discrimination in Ethiopia
Presscuttings and reports on religious discrimination in Ethiopia
Life and Culture
"Publications of the Princeton Expedition to Abyssinia" by Enno Littman
"Islam and Christianity in Ethiopic Literature" SOAS seminar on Islamic influences on the literary c...
"A social anthropological study of the Arussi and Shoa Galla" by PTW Baxter
"Vercingetorix in Ethiopia: some problems arising from Levine's inclusion of the Oromo in his deline...
Historical and geographical notes on Eritrea (no title page)
Documents of the interreligious seminar on the "Call of the Motherland", in Addis
"Mahbuba, the beloved: the life and romance of an Ethiopian slave-girl in early nineteenth century E...
"Dem Rufer zur EvGallamission in Dankbarkeit" (In gratitude for the call to Gallamission)
"Architecture of the Tigre, Ethiopia" by Ruth Plant
Visitor's guide to the Imperial Ethiopian Embassy
Typed draft by Ethiopian tourist organisation of tourist pamphlet in 4 sections
Oromo: Political
"Oromo: Kolonialismus in Athiopien" (Colonialism and the Oromo liberation struggle)
'Waldaansso' - Journal of the Union of Oromo Students in North America
"The Oromos: Voice against tyranny" - article
'Saba Oromo' - Journal of the Oromo Students in Britain
"Oromo: ein Volk in Widerstand" (The Oromo resistance)
Typescript of a book by Gunnar Hasselblatt on life and death in Oromoland
"Oromo perceptions of and responses to the revolution" by PTW Baxter
"Phases and structure of the Gada system of government of the Oromo people: a traditional perspectiv...
"The kindling point" by Hordhoofa Q Lottu
Oromo Liberation Front
Two papers presented at an Oromo workshop by the Oromo Liberation Front on 13 Dec 1985
Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) propaganda material
Oromo Liberation Front official programme, including historical background and objectives
"Sagalee Oromo" (Voice of Oromo) - Journal of Union of Oromo Students in Europe (UOSE)
Political and social reports on the Oromo people
Material from Union of Oromo Students in Europe
Miscellaneous Oromo Liberation Front reports
Statement and political programme of Oromo Liberation Front
"The Oromo people" Oromo Liberation Front profile
'Storm' - Somali, Tigray and Oromo resistance monitor
"Ethiopia's Oromos take on the Derg"
Open letter to the Government of the Republic of Italy from Oromo Liberation Front
Transcript of tape on the Oromos
Tigray: political
Report on visit to Tigray by Kirsty Wright and Asme Humanitas
Material from Tigray People's Liberation Front
Miscellaneous press cuttings
Photocopy of chapter on Tigray from "Conflict and intervention in the Horn of Africa" by Bereket H S...
Deddebit newsletter of the Union of Tigreans in Europe
Report on field trip to Tigray by Jon Bennett
Eritrea: political
"Never a colony" by Gledhill Blatch
"Eritrea: die hartnackige Revolution" (Eritrea: the stubborn revolution)
'The Horn of Africa Today'
Ethiopia: general
"Abyssinia" - Confidential letter from Consul E.N Erskine to Anthony Eden
"Ethiopia: the quickening Pulse", by William H. Lewis
"Innere Unruhen erschuttern Athiopien" (Internal unrest shakes Ethiopia) by Gunnar Hasselblatt
"Brennpunkt Nordostafrika II: soziale Revolution und nationale Frage, politische programme 1974-77"
"Der Krieg im Südosten Äthiopien" (The radio war in Southeast Ethiopia) by Gunnar Hasselblatt
"A brief review of the present situation in Ethiopia"
"Die politische Interpretation der Nationalitatenfrage in Athiopien" (Question of nationality in Eth...
"Athiopien 1979" by Gunnar Hasselblatt
List of participants of conference "Athiopien im Wandel"
Management dispute between Fouad Mohamed Toule and West Germany, on the right of asylum
'The Horn of Africa Today'
"Ethiopian Revolution slowly improving life of peasants"
"Ethiopia: the 'Revolution' goes to the countryside"
"Addis Abeba: Hunderttausende bekundeten Unterstutzung fur Kurs des Sozialismus" - (Addis Ababa: Hun...
"War in Ethiopia 1935-1941" - Conference at London School of Economics
"Mass deportations in Ethiopia"
"Apartheid trennt Athiopiens Stamme" (Apartheid divides Ethiopia's peoples) by Gunnar Hasselblatt
"Ethiopia - political imprisonment and torture"
"Prison conditions in Ethiopia"
"Impression of Ethiopia given by TV"
Material from the Ethiopian Peoples' Revolutionary Party
"The Italian colonial programme and claims of Ethiopia after the first World War" -
Press extracts
"Die Munzpragung des axumitischen Reiches" (Age of the Axumite empire) by Wolfgang Hahn
'African Review'
Press cuttings
"The Ogaden - province or colony?"
"Italienisch Somaliland" by George Graevenitz
"Consequences of Abyssinian colonialism"
Institute of Commonwealth Studies post-graduate seminar on "African politics"
"Somalia in perspective"
Photocopied press cuttings and photographs from Oxfam on Somalia
UNICEF "Country kit - Somalia"
"A scheme for writing a cultural history of Sudan"
Ministry of Defence library
"The southern Sudan and Eritrea: aspects of wider African problems"
Collection of press cuttings
Institute of Commonwealth Studies post-graduate seminar on "The writing of history in new nations"
SOAS African history seminar discussion paper by John Tosh, "The southern Sudan in colonial African ...
Sudan News Agency daily bulletin
Reports by Peter Niggli on Sudan and the Horn of Africa
"Fur Numeiri zahlt nur der Erhalt der eigenen Macht" (Only self-help counts for Nimeiri) by Achim Re...
"Aufstand im Sudsudan" (South Sudan revolution)
"Sudan: problems and prospects"
Collection of press cuttings
Commentary on current situation in Sudan by Gunnar Hasselblatt
Photocopy of pilot issue of 'Newsudan', organ of the Sudanese peoples' liberation movement
"'KASCHA' oder die Sudanesische Apartheit"
"Notes on research trends, possibilities and priorities in the Sudan" by Yusuf Fadl Hasan
"The Democratic Republic of the Sudan"
Miscellaneous Material
Photocopied extract from "Handbuch der altarabischen Altertumskunde"
Photocopied extract of "Geschichte und altes Testament" (Historical theology)
"Hermann Lautensach - Festschrift"
Presscuttings on Aden
Norddeutscher Rundfunk (radio broadcasts)
"Language map of Africa - Cushitic languages" by B.W. Andrzejewski
"The Anyuaa (Anuak) and relations between Ethiopia and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 1898 - 1935" by Bahr...
Translation into English by Gledhill Blatch of paper on the anthropology of Irian Jaya
"Soviet- Cuban perspectives on African affairs"
"The Ngok: a case study in Dinka history 1800 - 1920" by Mark Abiem
Bibliography from unspecified publication
Anglo-Ethiopian society material
"USA Anlagen in Deutschen Aktienmarkten" ("How American money is invested in German stock markets) b...
"A hundred years after the Berlin conference" by Luigi Goglia
"Politische Literatur im Ost-West-magazin"
"Buchhandlung 'Drei Kontinente'" - Literature from and about Africa, Asia and America
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