Semi-Official Letters, Kongmoon 1904-1906

'Kongmoon 1904-1906'. Includes information on opening of Kongmoon; staff; closing and reopening of Wangmoon entrance; control of Native Customs; Customs regulations for Kongmoon; Monopoly of Cassia Leaf Oil; Accommodation for staff; West River trade and Regulations; Port of Call Trade; West River Br...

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Order number: PP MS 2, Maze, Semi-Official Letters, Kongmoon 1904-06
Date(s) of creation: 1904 - 1906
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: PP MS 2, Maze, Semi-Official Letters, Kongmoon 1904-06
Summary: 'Kongmoon 1904-1906'. Includes information on opening of Kongmoon; staff; closing and reopening of Wangmoon entrance; control of Native Customs; Customs regulations for Kongmoon; Monopoly of Cassia Leaf Oil; Accommodation for staff; West River trade and Regulations; Port of Call Trade; West River British Steamship Co.; Foreign-going steamers and ports of call; piracy near the Ngaimoon; opium-running from Macao; petty smuggling; proposals for administration of Wangmoon station; indcidents concerned with passengers' luggage; smuggling of munitions of war; building on Customs property; installation of Wangmoon Lights; illicit letter-carrying between Kongmoon and Hong Kong; floods at Kongmoon.
Previous numbers: MS 285232
Extent: 1 vol
Access status: Open
Language: English
Format: Archive