Man of high social status (brother of Mustang 'king') wearing silk baku silk-lined and braid-trimmed blouse; ornaments include silver-studded leather purse, silver amulet case on coral necklace and turquoise earring. Tsarang, Mustang, Dhaulagiri. C. von F

Order number: PP MS 19, 35mm Slide Collection
Date(s) of creation: mid 20th century
Level: Item
Format: Archive           
Main author: Haimendorf; Christoph Von Fürer- (1909-1995); anthropologist

Order number: PP MS 19, 35mm Slide Collection
Main author: Haimendorf; Christoph Von Fürer- (1909-1995); anthropologist
Extent: 1 slide (35mm)
Note: Loba
Techniques: Dress and Ornament
Access status: Open
Access conditions: No slide projector is available. Slide can be viewed using a light box and magnifying glass only
Language: No linguistic content
Format: Archive