Diary, 1924 - Brazil, London, Scotland, Paris and Berlin.

Meetings with bankers and diplomats in Brazil; in London meetings on Bank of England business, the Colwyn Committee on National Debt and Taxation, the Chamberlain-Bradbury Committee on the Currency and Bank of England Note Issue, and the China Consortium; in Paris Bank of Morocco meetings and Consor...

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Order number: PP MS 14, Box 4
Date(s) of creation: 1924
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: PP MS 14, Box 4
Summary: Meetings with bankers and diplomats in Brazil; in London meetings on Bank of England business, the Colwyn Committee on National Debt and Taxation, the Chamberlain-Bradbury Committee on the Currency and Bank of England Note Issue, and the China Consortium; in Paris Bank of Morocco meetings and Consortium discussions, in Berlin meetings with politicians and diplomats as British director of the Reichsbank; also mentioning health and exercise, social engagements and family events. JANUARY In Brazil with a mission of British bankers led by Edwin Montagu, statesman, for visits to the Treasury and banks; meetings with ministers and commercial interests, sightseeing and working at reports. FEBRUARY Working on report on Brazil's internal debt and on the report of the British bankers' mission. MARCH On return from Brazil presents reports and attends meetings in London; appointed to the Colwyn Committee on National Debt and Taxation; continuing discussions on a successor to Norman at the Bank of England. APRIL Continued meetings on the question of a Brazilian loan; discussions at the Bank of England on the reparations report; anxiety over the gold standard. 'Jeremiah Jenks called & expounded his new currency scheme. But I told (sic) I was against any change at present. We want to get back to gold first', 16; to Scotland and to find house for summer holiday; meetings with Chinese, Liang Shih-yi and Ho-tung at a Chinese students' dinner, and with G.E. Hubbard, Guy Hillier's nominated successor at Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) Peking agent; meetings on proposed German loan; appointed director of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company. MAY First sitting of the Colwyn Committee; meetings in London on Japanese loan and in Paris on Bank of Morocco business. JUNE Many Committee of Treasury meetings, especially about the gold standard. 'The gold question is evolved into a duel between the Governor and me. The others say little and scarcely understand the question and its bearings', 18; examined by the Committee on Note Issue; return of daughter Betty and family from the East. JULY Colwyn Committee meeting; discussions on Consortium matters; inconclusive League of Nations meeting; to Spithead for naval review; meetings with politicians and bankers for talks on currency reflation; judging essays for an international peace prize; to Cardoness, Scotland for family holiday. AUGUST Continued Colwyn Committee and Committee of Treasury meetings; asked to become British director of the reconstituted Reichsbank; death of A.G. Stephen, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) Chief Manager. SEPTEMBER Colwyn Committee meetings; meets Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, 'a shrewd capable man', 22; discussions with Norman on German loan and note issue business. OCTOBER 'Busy, harassing days of discussions and interviews. Europe, China, Brazil, India, Egypt - the world is out of joint', 2; begins study of German. NOVEMBER Death of Montagu, 15 and of Addis's brother David, 26; continued committee meetings; to Berlin for Reichsbank affairs.
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Format: Archive