Eric Bentley - details of that day's Court meeting; roadmaking & Mombasa survey stopped. Re Mackenzie's personal telegram to Berkeley in Zanzibar as to putting maximum pressure on Consul-General Portal to persuade H.M. Govt. on formation of Zanzibar Protectorate. Court resolution regarding Capt. Eric Smith & the Egyptian Uganda refugee problem (claim details, evacuation, etc.) Smith as possible British Resident in Uganda. Enclosures (a) copy telegram of 2 Aug; Portal arrived; question of road-making halt. (b) copy of letter to F.O. of 3 Aug. regarding preservation of Br. lien on Uganda & Lake District. Reason suggested, preventing slavery revival. Need to curb French Catholic political priests (for the Protestant interest); a Mohemadan Representative, as a stand-in for the Zanzibar Sultan & British Protectorate (to conciliate Moslems) helped by a British Resident (for impartiality). A joint police-force for internal security (paid by King Mwanga). No gun import allowed. Reduced taxes to be offered for trading via IBEA Co. routes. Capt. Eric Smith offered in Resident-roles; caravan held pending F.O. decision. (c) copy F.O. reply of 3 Aug. to Co. letter of July 30. Acknowledgement; independant report on appeal for financial help to be asked from Portal

Order number: PP MS 1, Box 76
Date(s) of creation: 4 Aug 1892
Level: Item
Format: Archive