Women's Missionary Association: Taiwan/Formosa

Formosa minutes and correspondence; mission building plans; photographs and press cuttings.

Date(s) of creation: 1917 - 1958
Level: Sub-collection
Format: Archive           

Summary: Formosa minutes and correspondence; mission building plans; photographs and press cuttings.
Admin history: By 1880 there were two WMA missionaries in Formosa, one of whom was the widow of a missionary who had died in post. In 1885 two further women missionaries arrived who worked together for thirty-three years, working first with women and then opening a school for girls in 1887. A further missionary arrived in 1888 and subsequently the tasks of supervising the school, itinerating in the countryside and of teaching in the hospitals were rotated. The training Bible Women began in 1895 with the building of a Women's Bible School. This became k ... View more
Access status: Open
Language: English
Format: Archive