Women's Missionary Association: S. Fujian/Amoy

Minutes of South Fukien [Fujian] WMA Committee and correspondence; plans of mission compounds and buildings.

Date(s) of creation: 1903 - 1951
Level: Sub-collection
Format: Archive           

Summary: Minutes of South Fukien [Fujian] WMA Committee and correspondence; plans of mission compounds and buildings.
Admin history: The first WMA missionary, Georgina Maclagan arrived in Amoy [Xiamen] in 1882. She engaged in educational work, visited women in the surrounding areas and in 1887 opened a home for destitute girls. The work in the region expanded in partnership with women workers in the LMS and the American Reformed Church. In 1898 a women's conference was held at Ku-lang-su with around one hundred participants. Other mission centres were Chang-pu [Zhangpu] and Chaun-chow [Qaunzhou]. WMA missionaries worked in all three.. The first WMA worker at Chuan-chow ... View more
Access status: Open
Language: English
Format: Archive