Photograph album

Photo Album Photos taken by Irene Petter 1928: Page 1 Map of Tunisia with some places underlined and her trip in the country indicated. Day trips included Carthage, Dougga and Thudurbo and Magus. The trip included Souk Ahras, Tebessa, Sbeitla, El Hamma and Nabeul. Page 2 1. Three views of the se...

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Order number: MS 381247
Date(s) of creation: 1928-1929
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: MS 381247
Summary: Photo Album Photos taken by Irene Petter 1928: Page 1 Map of Tunisia with some places underlined and her trip in the country indicated. Day trips included Carthage, Dougga and Thudurbo and Magus. The trip included Souk Ahras, Tebessa, Sbeitla, El Hamma and Nabeul. Page 2 1. Three views of the sea with Aunt Gertrude and another lady. One acts as photographer. 2. Photo shows Irene and her aunt, Gertrude. 3. Two ladies on beach 4. Mosque 5. The Mosque, city wall and foreground 6. Tent with people outside 7. Older lady with a jar Page 3 1. Man with donkey, Missionary behind beside a road 2. Camel being led by a man on a road 3. Oxen ploughing in a field with a man working the plough 4. Man on a donkey carrying … 5. Oxen working in pairs in a field horse … Man looking over his shoulder 6. Camel and donkeys in field Page 4 1. Donkey carrying water pots 2. Five people walking along the road with a wall on their right 3. Wall of a city and sea(?) 4. Slide 29 Passage way, lady at end near doorway 5. Slide 32 Two people, two large pools and salt pans 6. Petter Engine at Kairouan, Tunisia reported in the Petter News May 1929. 7. Street scene with the people. One seated. Page 5 1. Slide 31 Inside mosque prayer mats of the floor Kairouan 2. View of the city showing the roofs and a couple of mosques 3. Slide 30 Dome of mosque the centre building 4. City with gate and wall and foreground is outside the city 5. Water storage with man sitting on wall 6. Structure in foreground with man sitting and wall/water 7. Entrance to city with man outside the archway tower inside and man walking Page 6 1. Building with person in door and open court in foreground 2. Two sides of one street with people 3. Slide 21 Bazaar scene Boy with basket on his head 7 people 4. Village woman on the path 5. Ground with man seated and a boy standing 6. Similar photo man getting up 7. Two well covered women. Buildings in back ground Page 7 1. Ruin of amphitheatre five tiers 2. Two people walking along a street, telegraph pole and wall to the right 3. Gate way with three people on left two in gateway 4. Another view of the ruin showing the centre at a lower level 5. Temple with stones in the foreground - façade 6. Slide 28 Four storey ruined coliseum 7. Centre of ruin with an opening and two sides of the tier structure Page 8 1. Irene Petter on a cairn 2. Slide 27 Mosque Lady carrying water (smaller photo page ) 3. Outside of ruin 4. Three photos of a ruin 5. Slide 9 Remains of township - Roman Ruins - amphitheatre 6. Another angle of the ruins Page 9 1. A lady with three children. Photographers head as shadow 2. Three people with Irene Petter 3. Two people one a child street scene 4. Slide 12 Mother with five children 5. Ten people gathered outside 6. Man in uniform with hands on hip and a group of 4 children Page 10 1. Palms in foreground and Mosque 2. Slide 26 Trunk of palm tree across a water course in an oasis 3. Slide 27 (El-Lamma du Djerid) Mosque, lady with water jar on her back 2nd copy 4. Palms (water course) and children 5. Slide 25 Two woman and child washing clothes at a water course 6. Slide 24 Weir, water flowing through three sluice gates Page 11 1. Lower palms and child 2. Slide 23 nineteen children and an adult (not in slide) 3. Man and son together 4. Four people 5. Two Boys 6. Nine people 7. Slide 22 Oasis, missionary, donkey loaded with two large earthen ware water jars and rider and two children. Page 12 1. Ruin of rectangular building 2. Slide 17 Sbeitla aqueduct. Four people and donkey on top. Two people at the base 3. Slide 16 Roman Triumphant arch ('Arc de Diocletien' Sbietla) 4. *Le Baptistere Sbeitla - named by postcard amongst her letters from the family to her while she was away. Her letters to the family do not survive. [See note below] 5. Ruin with stone around it in next three photos. (Sbeitla) 6. Three buildings 7. Slide 35 Temple Four columns supporting the pediment Page 13 1. Two camels one carrying wood Child in foreground 2. Slide 18 Camel train 3. Camel with foal drinking Mother's milk 4. Camel with Irene Petter 5. Slide 19 Seated camel loaded with bundles faggots 6. Slide 20 Irene Petter and missionary on camels (Gertrude Petter) 7. Two ladies on camels (Gertrude Petter). Page 14 1. Christian Cemetery with grave in foreground 2. Building 3. Slide 14 Roman arched gateway, ruins on top, people on side 4. Two missionaries, one Gertrude Petter 5. Looking towards buildings 6. People …. 7. (Tebessa) Gateway and people Page 15 1. Slide 13 Ruins of Roman Baslica 2. Layout of buildings nearby 3. Another view of the ruins with a tree 4. Ruin showing a double arch 5. Archway with façade broken on either side 6. Large stones in position 7. Stairs and a ruin square building Page 16 1. Tunis The two storey house where the missionaries lived. Five people on the balcony. Place where Irene Petter stayed with Gertrude Petter. 2. Three women on the balcony one being Gertrude Petter. Page 17 1. Slide 8 Memorial in Protestant Cemetery of St. George to John Howard Payne 1791-1832 2. Archway with people 3. Side view of archway with people 4. Slide 4 Passage Way three arches, three people 5. Archway as in Photo 2 with horse and cart, people 6. Steps and doorway. *Page 12 No 4 Slide 15 Le Baptistere Postcard form Sbeitla 18.3.1929 Irene Petter to her Mother Mrs P.W.Petter East Stoke House Stoke-sub-Hamdon Somerset Angleterre "I felt sure you would be interested to see this. An early baptistery and shows they did baptise by emersion then. You can lie down in it and it is in splendid preservation. Nice clean hotel here and cheap. Came safely from Tebessa by car - lovely run saw the country so well."
Extent: 1 vol
Access status: Open
Format: Archive