Photocopies of black and white photographs

Photocopies of black and white photographs: Mrs J. Parrett Night watchmen and the porch where they sleep; Convicts - or meet me by the moonlight, alone; Bridge Water carriers; Native store, Tamatave Roadside market; Lizzie's pupils (Queen's adopted daughter in centre); School group Coming from the...

Full description

Order number: MS 380674, Parrett
Date(s) of creation: c.1862 - 1895
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: MS 380674, Parrett
Summary: Photocopies of black and white photographs: Mrs J. Parrett Night watchmen and the porch where they sleep; Convicts - or meet me by the moonlight, alone; Bridge Water carriers; Native store, Tamatave Roadside market; Lizzie's pupils (Queen's adopted daughter in centre); School group Coming from the gate; Drawing room; The house in Antan [Antananarivo] Street in Antan [Antananarivo]; Queen Ranavolona (x2)
Extent: 16pp
Access status: Open
Format: Archive