Diary for 1908.

Visit to Hankow and visits to other cities, `Lantern lectures', school work and examination work, lepers communions, sermons, preachers meetings and other church duties. [No entries made between 6 Apr. to 12 May, 26 Jul. to 29 Aug. and 5 Oct. to 4 Nov.].

Order number: MS 380482, Geller, Box 1
Date(s) of creation: 1908
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: MS 380482, Geller, Box 1
Summary: Visit to Hankow and visits to other cities, `Lantern lectures', school work and examination work, lepers communions, sermons, preachers meetings and other church duties. [No entries made between 6 Apr. to 12 May, 26 Jul. to 29 Aug. and 5 Oct. to 4 Nov.].
Access status: Open
File number: 5
Format: Archive