Volume 1: Bound volume of printed off-prints, pamphlets and press cuttings relating to British North Borneo, including Sarawak and Rajah Brooke. Possibly compiled by Owen Rutter.

1 vol. (46 items) i. Borneo. Supplement Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1824 ii Borneo. Penny Cyclopaedia. 1836 iii The Borneo Pirates. Illustrated London News, 1852 iv Notes on Borneo. The Field, 1878 v British North Borneo or Sabah. Contemporary Review, 1892 vi North Borneo. The Nineteenth Century, 1...

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Order number: MS 283792 British North Borneo Papers Volume 1
Date(s) of creation: 1824 - 1936
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: MS 283792 British North Borneo Papers Volume 1
Summary: 1 vol. (46 items) i. Borneo. Supplement Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1824 ii Borneo. Penny Cyclopaedia. 1836 iii The Borneo Pirates. Illustrated London News, 1852 iv Notes on Borneo. The Field, 1878 v British North Borneo or Sabah. Contemporary Review, 1892 vi North Borneo. The Nineteenth Century, 1887 vii Sport in North Borneo. The Field, 1889 viii Bornean Notes from a Lady' Diary. The Field, 24 Aug 1889 ix Bornean Notes from a Lady' Diary. The Field, 21 Sep 1889 x The Baby Ourang-Outang From Borneo. The Westminster Budget, 1893 xi Borneo. Chamber's Encyclopaedia, vol 2, 1895 xii The Murutes of North Borneo. Chamber's Journal, 1899 xiii In a 'Dug out' Canoe in North Borneo. Chamber's Journal, 1905 xiv The last of a Great Sultan. Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1906 xv Contributions to the Physiography and Geology of the South-East Coast of British North Borneo. Geographic Journal, 1921 xvi British North Borneo. Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, 1922 xvii The Ishmael of the Eastern Seas: the Borneo Bajau and his mysterious origin. The Sphere, 1936 xviii A White Rajah. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1880 xix Mr Brooke in Borneo: His introductory visit. Chamber's Edinburgh Journal, 1846 xx Memoirs of Mr Brooke, Governor of Labuan and Rajah of Sarawak. Bentley's Miscellany, 1846 xxi The Expedition to Borneo of HMS Dido for the suppression of piracy The Quarterly Review, 1846 xxii The English in Borneo. Chamber's Edinburgh Journal, 1848 xxiii Narrative of Events in Borneo and Celebes down to the occupation of Labuan from the journals of James Brooke together with a narrative of the operations of HMS Iris. Quarterly Review, 1848 xxiv Sir James Brooke and the Pirates. Bentley's Miscellany, 1849 xxv Defence of Sir James Brooke's policy. Bentley's Miscellany, 1850 xxvi Sir James Brooke Rajah of Sarawak. Illustrated Family Paper, 1857 xxvii Sir James Brooke. Golden Hours, 1868 xxviii The late Rajah Sir James Brooke. Illustrated London News, 1868 xxix Rajah Brooke. Leisure Hour, 1869 xxx Rajah Brooke Last of the Vikings. Macmillan's Magazine. c.1876 xxxi The English Rajah Ch 1-XI. Monthly Packet, 1873 xxxii James Brooke, the White Rajah. Sunday Magazine, 1877 xxxiii Piracy in Borneo and the Operations of July 1849. Contemporary Review, 1877 xxxiv The people of Sarawak. Chamber's Journal, 1858 xxxv Life in the forests of the Far East. Edinburgh Review, 1862 xxxvi Life in the forests of the Far East. Chamber's Journal, 1862 xxxvii Borneo and the Dyaks. Chamber's Journal, 1865 xxxviii Sport in Sarawak. Badmington Magazine, 1896 xxxix The Dyaks of Borneo. Chamber's Journal, 1897 xl Wild mountain tribes of Borneo. Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1901 xli Crocodile catching in Borneo. Chamber's Journal, 1912 xlii With the Dyaks of Borneo. Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1912 xliii A fortnight in Borneo. Chamber's Journal, 1919 xliv Traditions of the Dyak Tribes. National Review, 1922 xlv The Oxford University Expedition to Sarawak. The Geographical Journal, 1933 xlvi A Sketch in Borneo. Illustrated London News, 1873
Extent: 1 vol (46 items)
Access status: Open
Language: English
Format: Archive