Women's Work

The collection comprises the papers of the Women's Work of the Methodist Missionary Society from 1932, but also the papers of Women's Work of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society prior to 1932. It includes minutes (1858-1939); reports (1923-1948) and correspondence (1906-1953) from the oversea...

Full description

Date(s) of creation: 1858-1953
Level: Sub-collection
Format: Archive           
Main author: Women's Work of the Methodist Missionary Society
Other authors: Ladies' Committee for the Amelioration of the Condition of Women in Heathen Countries; Female Education; etc, Ladies' Auxiliary for Female Education, Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, Women's Auxiliary of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society | Women's Auxiliary

Summary: The collection comprises the papers of the Women's Work of the Methodist Missionary Society from 1932, but also the papers of Women's Work of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society prior to 1932. It includes minutes (1858-1939); reports (1923-1948) and correspondence (1906-1953) from the overseas missionary districts; and financial records (1898-1946) including minutes, ledgers, cash books and overseas schedules. There are also minutes for the Central Committee of the Girls' League from 1924 to 1948.
Main author: Women's Work of the Methodist Missionary Society
Other authors: Ladies' Committee for the Amelioration of the Condition of Women in Heathen Countries; Female Education; etc, Ladies' Auxiliary for Female Education, Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, Women's Auxiliary of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society | Women's Auxiliary
Extent: 126 boxes
Admin history: The union in 1932 of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Primitive Methodist Church and United Methodist Church to form the Methodist Church of Great Britain, brought together the women's work of all three former missionary societies. These comprised the Women's Department of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, the Women's Missionary Federation of the Primitive Methodist Missionary Society and the United Methodist Women's Missionary Auxiliary, which were amalgamated to form a department of the Methodist Missionary Society ... View more
Acquisition: Deposited on permanent loan by the Methodist Church of Great Britain from 1978 onwards.
Arrangement: The papers of Women's Work under the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, and the Methodist Missionary Society have been arranged as one continuous series. They have been arranged by type of record and by region. Within this structure correspondence has been arranged by district and also divided between correspondence from missionaries and correspondence from the Chairman of the district.
Document(s): modified_bennett_guide_ww.pdf
Access status: Restrictions apply
Access conditions: The majority of the collection is only available for consultation on microfiche.
Copyright: Copyright held by Methodist Missionary SocietyApply to SOAS Archives & Special Collections in the first instance.
Language: English
Multiple languages
Finding aids: A guide, based in part on Elizabeth Bennett's 'Guide to the Archives of the Methodist Missionary Society', is available in the SCRR (see also 'Document' field above for just WW section).
Related material: The School of Oriental and African Studies holds the records of the (Wesleyan) Methodist Missionary Society, including papers of missionaries of the Women's Work Department - among them Catherine Jane Radcliffe, Gladys Stephenson and Alice Hawkins - in the biographical series. Surviving photographs of Women's Work missions are kept with - and not necessarily distinguished from - the (Wesleyan) Methodist Missionary Society photographs. SOAS also holds the Methodist Missionary Society Library, consisting of approximately 7,500 books a ... View more
Format: Archive           