Copy of letter from [Dr] Benj[amin] G Hodge, Marigot, Saint Martin, to Monsieur le C[omp]te Agenor de Gasparin, Membre de la Chambre des deputes, Rue de Courcelles, Paris [France]

De Gasparin's recent communication met with 'unbounded joy' by himself and fellow Protestants of the island. Gives overview of Protestantism on the island stating that Protestants make up the majority of the free population and recent problems have not significantly reduced their number. States that...

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Order number: MMS/Special Series/FBN 43
Date(s) of creation: c1846
Level: Item
Format: Archive           

Order number: MMS/Special Series/FBN 43
Summary: De Gasparin's recent communication met with 'unbounded joy' by himself and fellow Protestants of the island. Gives overview of Protestantism on the island stating that Protestants make up the majority of the free population and recent problems have not significantly reduced their number. States that some Protestants observe Catholicism for a number of reasons (including as it is the national French faith). Slave population in the French quarter numbers 3,000 to 4,000 and are in a 'state of destitution as regards instruction of every kind'. Some attend Catholic churches here whilst others worship in the Protestant churches in the Dutch part of the island. His own few enslaved persons have complained that they do not understand the Catholic services. Protestants churches in Dutch part thriving with congregations 'bound and free, white, black and coloured' with many originating from French division. States good reputation of Wesleyan [Methodist] mission in Dutch division of island over last 27 years, which is now in part supported by Dutch King. The minister, William Satchell, is not permitted to enter the French division of the island whether in a private or official capacity (not even to tend to the dying). Includes copies of letters (not extant) relating to the Becker and Sewell deaths. Protestant sacrament not allowed to be administered in French division. Restrictions on marriages (particular between enslaved people) as well. Difficulty in obtaining Holy Scriptures. Protestant enslaved people better behaved. Encloses copy of petition (not extant) of Protestant inhabitants to the French King regarding their grievances (interested if had any result). Hopes De Gasparin and the Protestant Society of Paris will be able to help. Original letter dated 28 July 1846.
Extent: 4 pages
Note: Whilst the specific enclosures mentioned here are not extant similar documents exist in this file.
Access status: Open
Access conditions: Only to be viewed on microfiche
Copyright: Copyright held by Methodist Missionary Society
User restrictions: For permission to publish, please contact Archives & Special Collections, SOAS Library in the first instance
Language: English
File number: 5
Format: Archive