'At a meeting of the committee of the Anti-Slavery Society held at No. 18, Aldermanbury, on the 22nd June 1833'

The report recounts recent events involving the Anti-Slavery Society. In particular the presentation of a memorial to the British Government and a meeting of the Anti-Slavery Society Committee which took place on the 29th May 1833. It states the aims and opinions of the Anti-Slavery Society Committe...

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Order number: MMS/Special Series/Various Papers/FBN 44
Date(s) of creation: 22 June 1833
Level: Item
Format: Archive           

Order number: MMS/Special Series/Various Papers/FBN 44
Summary: The report recounts recent events involving the Anti-Slavery Society. In particular the presentation of a memorial to the British Government and a meeting of the Anti-Slavery Society Committee which took place on the 29th May 1833. It states the aims and opinions of the Anti-Slavery Society Committee and criticizes the terms of the forthcoming Slavery Emancipation Act, particularly the clause which proposes the apprenticeship of formerly enslaved people. The report is 'signed' by Tho[mas] Pringle, Secretary.
Access status: Open
Access conditions: Only to be viewed on microfiche
Language: English
File number: 17
Format: Archive