Rev Richard Burdsall Lyth correspondence

Letter book containing copies of four letters sent by Richard Burdsall Lyth to his family, December 1836-July 1837. With index. Letter book containing copies of letters sent by Richard & Mary Lyth to their family and friends, February 1840-December 1841. With index. Letter book containing copies...

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Order number: MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Seas/FBN 37 (fiche 1655-1664 & 1671)
Date(s) of creation: 1836-1967
Level: Sub-series
Format: Archive           
Main author: Lyth; Richard Bursdall (1810-1887); surgeon, ordained and medical missionary, educationalist, linguist
Other authors: Lyth; Mary Ann (1811-1890); née Hardy, missionary wife