Rev Walter Patrick Garry journal

Manuscript being in part journal (front) and in part copy letter book (back). Journal is not continuous but has periodic, often brief entries for: April 1852 to July 1853 (departure from Sierra Leone, England, Antigua District); March 1859 to March 1860 (Montserrat); 1863 (Grenada); November 1871 t...

Full description

Order number: MMS/Special Series/Biographical/West Indies/FBN 3 (fiche 109)
Date(s) of creation: 1852-1963
Level: Sub-series
Format: Archive           
Main author: Garry; Walter Patrick (1823-1893); ordained missionary

collection SOAS Archive
id MMS.
recordtype archive
scb_item_location Archive & Special Collections
item_location Archive & Special Collections
scb_loan_type Reference only
scb_order_with MMS/Special Series/Biographical/West Indies/FBN 3 (fiche 109)
callnumber MMS/17/02/02/15
callnumber_txt MMS/17/02/02/15
callnumber-sort MMS/17/02/02/15
prefix_number 15
title Rev Walter Patrick Garry journal
scb_date_creation 1852-1963
scb_level Sub-series
level_sort 7/Collection/Sub-Collection/Sub-Sub-Collection/Sub-Sub-Sub-Collection/Series/Sub-Series/Sub-Sub-Series/File
scb_extent 1 volume
author Garry; Walter Patrick (1823-1893); ordained missionary
author_facet Garry; Walter Patrick (1823-1893); ordained missionary
authorStr Garry; Walter Patrick (1823-1893); ordained missionary
author_letter Garry; Walter Patrick (1823-1893); ordained missionary
format Archive
scb_admin_history The Rev Walter Garry had a long and eventful career in three major Wesleyan Methodist mission fields. He was born on the island of Grenada on 24th July 1823. Prior to his application to the ministry he was involved in the running of the day school in Tobago, being accepted as a candidate for the ministry in 1845. After having trained at Richmond, Surrey, he was sent in 1849 to serve in Sierra Leone, including being involved with the supervision of the Native Institution at King's Town Point. The climate caused him such health problems that he was compelled to leave although his trials were not over as not long after departing Sierra Leone in 1852 he was shipwrecked off its coast and rescued a day later as the only survivor, albeit suffering from fever. He returned briefly to England, where he married Sarah Ann Cozens on 17th August 1852, before they both departed for the Antigua District. For the period he worked in the West Indies Districts he mainly served in the Antigua District working on the islands of Antigua, Dominica, Montserrat and St Christopher's. He was stationed on St Christopher's when the devastating fire of 1867 broke out in Basseterre destroying much of the town. Through his and his colleagues' labours the mission was spared but not without the Rev Garry being badly injured. He was granted a leave of absence but was delayed from reaching his original ship, the 'Rhone', by the crowd of well wishes who had come to see him off. He caught a subsequent ship which whilst battered by the fierce hurricane that tore through the Leeward Islands in October 1867 survived, unlike the 'Rhone' which sunk. He returned to Antigua briefly as a supernumerary before taking up a position in Canterbury, Kent, in 1869. After a brief spell in England he agreed to travel to South Africa and served in Durban from 1872 until 1874 whereupon he again set sail for the Caribbean to serve in the St Vincent's District on the islands of St Vincent's, Trinidad and Barbados (becoming Chairman of the District in 1880). By 1887 his health had become sufficiently poor that he returned to England where he became resident in Clapham, London, as a supernumerary. He died on 3rd January 1893 whilst his wife Sarah lived on into the next century, dying on 10th December 1903.
scb_custodial_history Donated to the Methodist Missionary Society by Mr R E H Chapman of Hailsham, Sussex, 15th August 1974.
description Manuscript being in part journal (front) and in part copy letter book (back). Journal is not continuous but has periodic, often brief entries for: April 1852 to July 1853 (departure from Sierra Leone, England, Antigua District); March 1859 to March 1860 (Montserrat); 1863 (Grenada); November 1871 to January 1872 (Dover circuit, England); 1875 (Trinidad); 1885 (Barbados). Letter book contains transcripts of four letters written by Garry in 1860 from Montserrat. Eight inserts: a copy (1963) of the marriage certificate (1852) for Walter Patrick Garry and Sarah Ann Cozens; copy of an extract (1860) from the Baptismal register of St John's, Grenada, for Garry; notes for sermon based on 2 Peter iii 10; five letters written by Garry between 1868 & 1885.
scb_related_name_code GB/SOASNAF/P896
scb_related_name_relationship Subject of
scb_place_code 6269131
scb_access_status Open
scb_conditions_gov_access Only to be viewed on microfiche
scb_copyright Copyright held by Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes
scb_use_restrictions For permission to publish, please contact Archives & Special Collections, SOAS Library in the first instance
language English
language_search English
scb_related_material Also within the records of the (Wesleyan) Methodist Missionary Society is the official correspondence for Walter Garry for the period he served in Sierra Leone (MMS/West Africa/Correspondence/Sierra Leone/FBN 26) and the West Indies Districts (MMS/West Indies/Correspondence/Antigua/FBN 22-24 & MMS/West Indies/Correspondence/St Vincents/FBN 62-63). Unfortunately there is no correspondence extant for when he was in Durban, South Africa. However, the synod minutes will detail his work, and that of his colleagues, in Sierra Leone (MMS/West Africa/Synod Minutes/Sierra Leone/FBN 7) and the West Indies Districts (MMS/West Indies/Synod Minutes/FBN 3-8) and may mention his work in South Africa (MMS/South Africa/Synod Minutes/FBN 3-4).
hierarchy_top_id_raw MMS
hierarchy_sequence MMS.0017.0002.0002.0015