Letter from T[homas] Coke, 'At Sea, 30 degrees of Latitude, South of the Equator, 49 degrees of Longitude distant from the Cape of Good Hope' to Revd Mr [Richard] Reece, Bradford, Yorkshire

Original letter with Photostat. Sends Reece copy of his letter to the [Wesleyan Methodist] Conference. Coke reminds them that he has written to them two or three times on the following but 'for security's sake I write to you once more'. Not able to take a direct ship to Ceylon [Sri Lanka] and advis...

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Order number: MMS/Special Series/Biographical/Home/Box 1391
Date(s) of creation: 14 Mar 1814
Level: Item
Format: Archive           

collection SOAS Archive
id MMS.
recordtype archive
scb_item_location Archive & Special Collections
item_location Archive & Special Collections
scb_loan_type Reference only
scb_order_with MMS/Special Series/Biographical/Home/Box 1391
callnumber MMS/17/02/00/03/01/01/26
callnumber_txt MMS/17/02/00/03/01/01/26
callnumber-sort MMS/17/02/00/03/01/01/26
prefix_number 26
scb_previous_numbers Item 4p Coke mss list
title Letter from T[homas] Coke, 'At Sea, 30 degrees of Latitude, South of the Equator, 49 degrees of Longitude distant from the Cape of Good Hope' to Revd Mr [Richard] Reece, Bradford, Yorkshire
scb_date_creation 14 Mar 1814
scb_level Item
level_sort 8/Collection/Sub-Collection/Sub-Sub-Collection/Sub-Sub-Sub-Collection/Series/Sub-Series/Sub-Sub-Series/File/Item
scb_extent 2 items
format Archive
description Original letter with Photostat. Sends Reece copy of his letter to the [Wesleyan Methodist] Conference. Coke reminds them that he has written to them two or three times on the following but 'for security's sake I write to you once more'. Not able to take a direct ship to Ceylon [Sri Lanka] and advised to take a ship via Bombay [Mumbai, India]. However constant gales on journey to Madeira (seven ships of fleet missing, presumed lost) and then long calms at the equator means they are delayed by at least a month and still to reach the Cape of Good Hope [South Africa]. Hopes to arrive in Bombay [Mumbai, India] late May or early June and then will be delayed further by the monsoons. Has consent of the Court of Directors [of the East India Company] and letters of recommendation to go to Bombay [Mumbai, India]. Dr Buchanan, and others, have advised Coke not to concentrate the mission in one place as it would 'raise jealousy beyond what we can easily conceive'. Upon arrival intends to split missionary party leaving the Harvards and two single men in Bombay [Mumbai, India] whilst three other single men (Sister Ault having died) along with Coke will travel to Surat [India] which has about 150,000 inhabitants. Seven of the [East India] Company's soldiers on the ship and some other passengers are expressing interest in Methodism. Heard similar news from the 'Lady Melville' and the 'Elphinstone'. All will be in Bombay [Mumbai, India] and Surat [India]. If establish missions then two more missionaries will be required. Coke, with the four remaining missionaries, will then travel to Colombo in Ceylon [Sri Lanka]. The Harvards and one other to travel by sea whilst Coke and two colleagues will travel 500 miles by land and then 200 miles by the 'Back-Water' canal through the Portuguese settlements eventually arriving in Travancore [India]. Will witness the work of Francis Xavier and will leave, if possible, one missionary with the Syriack Christians (leaving four for Ceylon [Sri Lanka] and one for Java [Indonesia]). He intends to visit Tanjore [Thanjavur], Madras [Chennai], Calcutta [Kolkata] and Rajamaughl [all India]. The latter recommended by Charles Grant, in 1794 or 1795, and their correspondence for this appears in the [?Arminian] Magazine at that time and Grant confirmed his view again recently as 'The Natives are not there divided into Casts, and are a very docile people'. However, he has no missionaries to leave behind. Asks for two missionaries to be sent by the second India Fleet in late January or early February to Calcutta [Kolkata, India] and upon arrival should ask for Rev Tho[mas] Thomasons, Chaplain to East India Company or for George Udney (a friend of Dr Buchanan). They should arrive in June so he will attempt to arrive beforehand else he should be contacted in Rajam[aughl] [India]. Coke asks for licences for himself and these two missionaries from the Court of Directors [of the East India Company] which will be supported by Charles Grant, an influential member of the Court. Confident of success but if not apply to 'Board of Controul', where Lord Teignmouth [John Shore] will be supportive. Further support can be sought from Mr Wilberforce and the Earl of Liverpool [Charles Jenkinson]. Coke offers to lend or give the money to cover cost of mission 'along the Coast of Coromandel up to Rajamaughl' [east coast of India]. Suggests Brother [John] Slater of the Redruth Circuit, or Solomon Whitworth of the Scilly Isles, or Brother Sugden (if still unmarried). Addressing Revd Reece Coke informs him that they will not touch the Cape [of Good Hope, South Africa] but their Line-of-Battle-Ship will. Above is copy of letter sent to Conference as well as copies to President [of Conference], the [Missionary] Committee, Mr [Jabez] Bunting and Mr [?Charles] Atmore. The Photostat was made at a time when the letter was in a better condition and had less text missing.
scb_access_status Restrictions apply
scb_conditions_gov_access Please do not remove this item from its melinex sleeve
scb_copyright Copyright held by Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes
scb_use_restrictions For permission to publish, please contact Archives & Special Collections, SOAS Library in the first instance
language English
language_search English
scb_scripts_material Latin
scb_publications A partial transcript apppears on page 723 of 'The letters of Dr. Thomas Coke' edited by John A. Vickers (2013).
note Some of the text of this letter is missing due to its damaged state
hierarchy_top_id_raw MMS
hierarchy_sequence MMS.0017.0002.0000.0003.0001.0001.0026