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People include: Sam Balea with cross he made for Taroaniara church; Brian Ayers, engineer, Taroaniara workshops; Rev Victor Bwaniramo, ex-leper, with fishing spear and rubber catapult; Rev J Edwards; Rev N J I Hunt; Rev John Patteson Manebona with family at Siota; Nurse Margaret Namoi at Siota dispensary; young child, captioned "Young Melanesia"; child in front of new cottage; Revs Johnson Votaia, Barton Sali, and Willie Ipo; Siota college students Robert Pule; David Bani; Nelson Sahu; Judah Manahati; Cecil Meimana; John Mark Hedeni; John Tergotok; John Bosamata; Nelson Fatsi and John Bosamata. Activities include: gardening and garden clearing. Places and buildings include: mission house and gardens, church, fowl house and workshop, Taroaniara; cathedral, mission house and vegetable garden and students houses, outskirts, Rev Victor Bwaniramo's house and kitchen Siota; canoe at shore of Boli passage. Also includes: Patteson and Mavis ships being repaired. Prints taken by/received from: Rev N J I Hunt.